If you work with apps on mobile devices, security plays an important role.
In this topic the elements of security management in Anywhere mobility studio are listed.

Anywhere mobility studio parameters
In the Anywhere mobility studio parameters, on the Security tab, you can define:
  • General login settings: you can define if you use a login process and which process is used to validate the user login.
  • Password settings: you can define the requirements that a password must meet.
  • Login attempt settings: you can define the maximum number of failed login attempts and how to unlock a locked account.
For each Anywhere mobility studio user, you can define the:
  • Password: the password must meet the requirements as defined in the Anywhere mobility studio parameters.
  • User login settings: you can define password reset and expiration settings for the user.
A predefined process is available to reset a password: ResetPassword.
You can use this process:
  • In the Anywhere mobility studio parameters as the process for login validation. Depending on the setup, the process is automatically started to reset the password at first login and when the password is expired.
  • On a menu. So, the user can reset the password any time.

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