In Anywhere mobility studio, you can translate the labels of a Dynamics 356 for Finance and Operations label file.

Before you translate a label file, get the to-be-translated label file from Visual Studio and store it in a folder.

Standard procedure

1. Click Mobility design.
2. Click Translate label file.
3. In the Translation API provider field, enter or select a value.
4. Click Browse to find and select the to-be-translated label file that you have stored in a folder.
5. Click Upload.

Note: - As a result, the label file is uploaded to the Mobility sharing workspace, to the Label files tab.
- The label file language is automatically detected.

6. In the Target language field, select an option.
7. Click OK.

Note: When a label file is translated, the label file for the target language is stored on the Mobility sharing workspace, on the Label files tab.

Related to Notes

Translate labels


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