Fix the found errors. You can do so from the Check page.

For each check operation, the result is logged in the operations history. It can, for example, be that you didn't yet fix all errors immediately after doing the check. A next time, you can open the logged check operation results to continue fixing errors.

Standard procedure

1. Click Mobility management.
2. Click the Operations history tab.
3. In the list, click the link in the selected row.
4. In the tree, select 'a node'.
5. Review the record where the element with the error is used.
  On the Action Pane, click Check.
6. Click Record.
7. Review the where-used record. Make changes, if required.
  Close the page.
8. Review the record on which the error occurs.
  In the Check results list, click the link for the record that you want to review.
9. Review the record with the error. Make changes, if required.
  Close the page.
10. Close the page.
Related to Notes

Check for errors


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