You can use form control templates to quicker design a form.

Usually, a form control template is created from an existing form control or it is imported from another environment.
You can check these form control templates and make changes, if required.

Standard procedure

1. Click Mobility design.
2. Click Templates.
3. On the left pane, select the control type for which you want to maintain a form control template.
In this task guide, we maintain a template of control type Label.
  Click Label.
4. In the list, click the link of the form control template that you want to edit.
5. On the General tab, you can maintain generic settings of the template
6. On the Control tab, you can maintain several settings:
- Control properties
- Device-specific control layout
- Documentation
- Control-type-specific setup. For example, if the control type is Configurable grid, you can maintain the grid configuration.
  Click the Control tab.
7. On the Variables tab, you can maintain the variables that are used in the template.
  Click the Variables tab.
8. On the Labels tab, you can maintain the labels that are used in the template.
  Click the Labels tab.
9. The Preview tab shows how the control looks like on a mobile device.
  Click the Preview tab.
10. Close the page.
11. Close the page.

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