In the menu structure to be used on a mobile device, you can use submenus. In the menu structure, the submenu can be linked to a main menu and to another submenu.

For each submenu, you can define the:
  • Submenus that can be opened from the submenu.
  • Processes that can be started from the submenu.
If you create a submenu, automatically a line is added to navigate back to the previous menu.

Standard procedure

1. Click Mobility management.
2. Click the Menus tab.
3. Sub-task: Create submenu.
  3.1 Click Add.
  3.2 In the Menu field, type a value.
  3.3 In the Description field, type a value.
  3.4 In the Menu type field, select 'Submenu'.
  3.5 Click Save.
  3.6 Use a CSS class to define the style and icon to be applied when the submenu is shown on a main menu.
  In the Submenu CSS class field, enter or select a value.
  3.7 Define the label to be applied when the submenu is shown on a main menu.
  In the Submenu label field, type a value.
  3.8 Use a CSS class to define the style and icon to be applied to the 'back-to-previous-menu' option when shown on the submenu.
  In the Back to previous menu CSS class field, enter or select a value.
  3.9 Define the label to be applied when the 'back-to-previous-menu' option is shown on the submenu.
  In the Back to previous menu label field, type a value.
4. Sub-task: Add menu lines.
  4.1 Click the Lines tab.
  4.2 Click Add and fill in the fields.

Note: Use the Up and Down buttons to define the position of the lines.

5. Close the page.
Related to Notes

Set up menus


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