Running an app on the real-time configuration in Anywhere mobility studio can be slow in a Tier 2 environment. In this case, you can choose to run an app on a cached configuration. This is faster, but the app can be outdated.
You can publish a menu or a process to cache for the first time or to update the cache.

You can publish to cache or update cache on the:
  • Mobility management workspace, on the Menus tab (explained in the steps).
  • Mobility design workspace, on the Processes tab.
  • Anywhere mobility studio parameters, on the Automatic updates tab, in the Cache section. Note: Cache is only published or updated for the menus for which the Update check box is selected.

Standard procedure

1. Click Mobility management.
2. Click the Menus tab.
3. In the list, find and select the desired menus.
4. Click Publish cache.
5. Define what is published:
- Clear the cache and publish: The full cache for the selected menu is deleted and the full menu is published again.
- Only publish not-synchronized cache: Only the menu elements that are new or not up-to-date in cache are published.
  In the Publish type field, select an option.
6. As updating the cache can take time, you can run it in batch.
  Expand the Run in the background section.
7. Select Yes in the Batch processing field and fill in the other batch fields as required.
8. Click OK.
9. Click OK.

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