You can use form control templates to quicker design a form.

You can add form control templates to a form:
  • When you create a form with the Create form wizard.
  • Manually.
This topic explains how to manually add a form control template to a form.
In general, if you add a form control template to a form, it is positioned after the last control on the form. Where the control is exactly positioned, depends on the Append new line property of the last control on the form:
  • Yes: the template control is added below the last control.
  • No: the template control is added to the right of the last control.
An exception are button templates for which the Stick to footer property is set to Yes. These are always positioned at the footer of the form.

Standard procedure

1. Click Mobility design.
2. Click the Forms tab.
3. In the list, find and select the desired record.
4. Click Edit.
5. Click the Templates tab.
6. On the left pane, select the control type of which you want to add a form control template.
In this task guide, as an example, a template of control type Label is added.
  Click Label.
7. In the list, find and select the desired record.
8. Click Select.
9. On the preview, click the control that you have added.
10. If required, check and change the properties for the added control.
  Click the Properties tab.
11. Close the page.


You can use the Up and Down buttons on the Properties tab to move a form control to another position on the form.

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