On the Securable tree view page, for a selected securable object, you can analyze which menu items it gives access to.

Tree section

On the Securable tree view page, the menu items are shown in a tree. This tree is similar to the D365 F&SCM menu and shows all menu items.

In the tree, if a:

  • Module node or group node is marked with a blue square, the node has one or more menu items beneath it that the selected securable object gives access to. Expand the module node or group node to view the menu items beneath it.
  • Menu item node is marked with a check mark, the selected securable object gives access to the menu item.
  • Tree node is unmarked, the selected securable object does not give access to any menu item beneath it (module node or group node) or to the menu item itself.

Details section

If you select a:

  • Module node or a group node in the tree, all menu items beneath it are shown in the Details section.
  • Menu item in the tree, only this menu item is shown in the Details section.

For further analysis, in the Details section, select a menu item with an access right other than 'No access'.

Security diagnostics section

For the menu item that you selected in the Details section, you can analyze the related securable objects in the Security diagnostics section.

The Security diagnostics section has two views:

View Description
Show access based on selection (default)

Only shows the securable objects that give access to the selected menu item and that are related to the securable object that you selected in the Value field.

Show all access Shows all securable objects that give access to the selected menu item.

Form level details section

For the menu item that you selected in the Details section, if the object type is 'Form', you can analyze the related form details in the Form level details section.

Based on your analysis, changes to the form level security configuration details can be desired. To make these changes, go to the Security management workspace. You cannot make these changes on the Securable tree view page.

The Form level details section has these subsections:

Section Description
Form menu items Shows all menu items that can be accessed from the selected menu item.
Table permissions Shows all tables that are used by the selected menu item.
Form controls Shows all the form controls of the selected menu item that require manual permission. 


Standard procedure

1. Go to Security and compliance > Inquiries > Securable tree view.


You can open the Securable tree view also:

  • From the Security diagnostics dialog. To do so, on any form, in the Action Pane, click Options, Security diagnostics. On the dialog, select a securable object, and click Securable tree view.
  • For a specific role. To do so, on the Security management workspace, on the Roles tab, select a role, and click Securable tree view.
  • For a specific duty. To do so, on the Security management workspace, on the Duties tab, select a duty, and click Securable tree view.

2. In the Security object types field, select an option.
3. In the Value field, enter or select a value.
4. In the tree, select the desired module node, group node, or menu item.
5. In the Details section, in the list, find and select the desired menu item with an access right other than 'No access'.
6. Expand the Security diagnostics section.
7. Select the desired view: 'Show all access' or 'Show access based on selection'.
8. Expand the Form level details section.
9. In the Form menu items section, analyze all menu items that can be accessed from the selected menu item.
10. In the Table permissions section, analyze all tables that are used by the selected menu item.
11. In the Form controls section, analyze the form control access.
12. Sub-task: Change access right.
  12.1 You can change the access right of the selected securable object to a specific menu item.
  In the Details section, in the list, find and select the desired menu item.
  12.2 In the Access right field, select an option.
  12.3 To make the change effective in the security configuration, you must override the permissions on the selected securable object.
  Click Override permission on selected object.
  12.4 On the dialog, click OK.
  12.5 Click Yes.
13. Close the page.

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