You can give a securable object access to sensitive data.

If you give a securable object access to sensitive data, automatically all related securable objects get access to sensitive data as well.
For example, if you give a duty access to sensitive data, the related users, roles, privileges, and entry points also get access to sensitive data.
In the steps, as an example, a duty is given access to sensitive data.

Standard procedure

1. Click Security audit.
2. Click Manage sensitive data access.
3. In the Duties pane, find and select the desired duty.

Note: You can use the pin options to show the related securable objects.

4. Click Give sensitive data access.
5. On the dialog, in the Reason field, enter or select a value.
6. In the Description field, type a value.
7. Click OK.
8. Close the page.


Changes in access to sensitive data are logged in the security history.

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