You can export security explorer data to a Microsoft Excel file for further analysis.

You can choose to export:
  • All data of the security explorer.
  • Only the related references of a pinned securable object in the security configuration.
For example, for a pinned duty, you can export:
  • The related roles.
  • The users that are assigned to these roles.
  • The related privileges.
  • The entry points of these privileges.

Standard procedure

1. Click License optimization.
2. Click Security explorer.
3. You can pin a securable object in the security configuration to only export the related references.
In this task guide, as an example, you select and pin a duty.
  In the Duties pane, in the list, find and select the desired record.
4. Click Pin duty.
5. You can also export additional data for the selection of securable objects. This additional data is only exported if the Advanced view is active.
The additional data is the:
- (Highest) license type or entry point type.
- AOT name or identifier.
  Click Advanced view.
6. Click Export to Excel.

Note: As a result, the data is exported to a Microsoft Excel file. The file is downloaded to your downloads folder from where you can open it.
If you pinned a securable object before you exported the data, it is shown in red in the Microsoft Excel file.

7. Close the page.

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