You can use task guides, which are exported from RapidValue, to create security scenarios in the Security and compliance studio.

Note: The task guides are exported from RapidValue as XML files and added to a ZIP file. When downloaded, extract the ZIP file. So, the task guide XML files can be read by the Security and compliance studio.

Standard procedure

1. Click Security management.
2. Click the Scenarios tab.
3. Sub-task: Create scenario based on RapidValue task guide.
  3.1 Click Upload RV scenario.
  3.2 Browse for and select the task guide XML file based on which the security scenario must be created.
  3.3 Click OK.

Note: The task guide XML file that is used to create a security scenario is added to the scenario files.

4. Sub-task: Add scenario steps based on RapidValue task guide.
  4.1 You can also add a RapidValue scenario on the Scenario details page. If you do so, the steps of the selected task guide are added to the current security scenario. So, no new scenario is created.
  In the list, click the link of the desired security scenario.
  4.2 Click Upload RV scenario.
  4.3 Browse for and select the task guide XML file based on which the steps must be added to the current security scenario.
  4.4 Click OK.

Note: The task guide XML file that is used to add steps to a security scenario is added to the scenario files.

5. Close the page.
Related to Notes

Compose security scenarios


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