You can explore the test configuration of a solution and its related solutions. To explore which elements are related to a specific element in a test configuration, pin an element.

You can pin an element of these types:
  • Requirement
  • Business process
  • Test suite
  • Test run
  • Role
The test explorer gets the test configuration data from the selected snapshot. If the latest snapshot is not up to date, you can create a new snapshot.

Manager Manager Manager Create snapshot of test configuration Create snapshot of test configuration You create a test configuration snapshot to be able to use the Test view. You can use the Test view to explore the test configuration. A test configuration snapshot is an image of the test configuration at a specific date and time. A test configuration snapshot consists of:Several elements: requirements, business processes, test suites, test runs, and roles. The relations between these elements.You create a test configuration snapshot in these cases:The first time you want to explore the test configuration. Changes are made to the test configuration. So, these changes become available for the test configuration explorer.Always create snapshots in the background in batch, as the creation of a snapshot can take quite some time. If you frequently make changes to the solution configuration, you can also define the recurrence.NoteThe snapshot gets the test-related elements of all solutions in the current environment. Procedure 1. Click Business process testing. 2. Click Browse. 3. Click View. 4. Click Test view. 5. Click Snapshot. 6. Click Create. 7. Sub-task: Set batch and recurrence. 8. Expand the Run in the background section. 9. Select Yes in the Batch processing field and fill in the other batch fields as required. 10. Click Recurrence and define the recurrence settings. 11. Click OK. 12. Click OK. Start Start Explore test configuration Explore test configuration You can explore the test configuration of the current solution and its related solutions. To explore which elements are related to a specific element in the test configuration, pin an element.You can pin an element of these types:RequirementBusiness processTest suiteTest runRoleExamplePin test runFor example, for a pinned test run, you can explore:The related test suite.The related business processes for the test suite. A test suite can be linked to several business processes.The related requirements. Not only the requirements are shown of the pinned test run, but also of the related test suite and business processes.The related roles. These are the roles as defined for the test cases of both the pinned test run and its related test suite.NoteThe snapshot contains the test-related elements of all solutions in the current environment.If you have not yet pinned an element or if you unpinned a selection, only the elements of the current solution are shown.If you pin an element of a specific solution, also the related elements are shown of:Referenced solutions.Solutions that have the specific solution as a reference. Procedure 1. Click Business process testing. 2. Click Browse. 3. Click View. 4. Click Test view. 5. Sub-task: Select another snapshot. 6. Click Select snapshot to open the drop dialog. 7. In the field, enter or select a value. 8. Click Close. 9. Sub-task: Pin an element. 10. In the Test run pane, select a test run. 11. Click Pin. 12. Sub-task: Explore related elements. 13. Select the test suite. 14. Select a business process. 15. Select a requirement. 16. Select a role. 17. Sub-task: View element details. 18. In the test suite pane, select the test suite. 19. Click Details. 20. Click Close. 21. Sub-task: Open element source. 22. In the Requirement pane, select a requirement. 23. Click Source. 24. Close the page. 25. Sub-task: Unpin. 26. Click Unpin. Is the  latest snapshot  up-to-date? Is the  latest snapshot  up-to-date? End End No Yes


Name Responsible Description

Create snapshot of test configuration


You create a test configuration snapshot to be able to use the Test view. You can use the Test view to explore the test configuration. 
A test configuration snapshot is an image of the test configuration at a specific date and time. A test configuration snapshot consists of:
  • Several elements: requirements, business processes, test suites, test runs, and roles. 
  • The relations between these elements.

You create a test configuration snapshot in these cases:

  • The first time you want to explore the test configuration. 
  • Changes are made to the test configuration. So, these changes become available for the test configuration explorer.

Always create snapshots in the background in batch, as the creation of a snapshot can take quite some time. If you frequently make changes to the solution configuration, you can also define the recurrence.
The snapshot gets the test-related elements of all solutions in the current environment.

Explore test configuration


You can explore the test configuration of the current solution and its related solutions. To explore which elements are related to a specific element in the test configuration, pin an element.
You can pin an element of these types:
  • Requirement
  • Business process
  • Test suite
  • Test run
  • Role
Pin test run
For example, for a pinned test run, you can explore:
  • The related test suite.
  • The related business processes for the test suite. A test suite can be linked to several business processes.
  • The related requirements. Not only the requirements are shown of the pinned test run, but also of the related test suite and business processes.
  • The related roles. These are the roles as defined for the test cases of both the pinned test run and its related test suite.
The snapshot contains the test-related elements of all solutions in the current environment.
If you have not yet pinned an element or if you unpinned a selection, only the elements of the current solution are shown.
If you pin an element of a specific solution, also the related elements are shown of:
  • Referenced solutions.
  • Solutions that have the specific solution as a reference.


Name Responsible Description

Create snapshot of test configuration


You create a test configuration snapshot to be able to use the Test view. You can use the Test view to explore the test configuration. 
A test configuration snapshot is an image of the test configuration at a specific date and time. A test configuration snapshot consists of:
  • Several elements: requirements, business processes, test suites, test runs, and roles. 
  • The relations between these elements.

You create a test configuration snapshot in these cases:

  • The first time you want to explore the test configuration. 
  • Changes are made to the test configuration. So, these changes become available for the test configuration explorer.

Always create snapshots in the background in batch, as the creation of a snapshot can take quite some time. If you frequently make changes to the solution configuration, you can also define the recurrence.
The snapshot gets the test-related elements of all solutions in the current environment.

Explore test configuration


You can explore the test configuration of the current solution and its related solutions. To explore which elements are related to a specific element in the test configuration, pin an element.
You can pin an element of these types:
  • Requirement
  • Business process
  • Test suite
  • Test run
  • Role
Pin test run
For example, for a pinned test run, you can explore:
  • The related test suite.
  • The related business processes for the test suite. A test suite can be linked to several business processes.
  • The related requirements. Not only the requirements are shown of the pinned test run, but also of the related test suite and business processes.
  • The related roles. These are the roles as defined for the test cases of both the pinned test run and its related test suite.
The snapshot contains the test-related elements of all solutions in the current environment.
If you have not yet pinned an element or if you unpinned a selection, only the elements of the current solution are shown.
If you pin an element of a specific solution, also the related elements are shown of:
  • Referenced solutions.
  • Solutions that have the specific solution as a reference.
Related to Notes

Explore tests


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