In RapidValue, you can publish several types of business process modeling documents:

  • Process specification
  • Flow specification
  • Activity procedure

Solution designer Solution designer Publish process specification Publish process specification You can publish a document with the business process specifications of a solution. You can configure the level of detail of the information that is added to the document. You can find and download the published document on the Business process file share workspace, on the Documents tab. Procedure 1. Click Business process modeling. 2. Click Publish. 3. Click Process specification. 4. On the Publish Business Process Specification document dialog, define the required settings and click OK Notes You can also publish a business process specification document for a specific business process. To do so, on the Business processes form, in the hierarchy, select a business process and on the ActionPane, on the Publish tab, in the Documents group, click Process specification. On the Publish business process specification document dialog, you can define these settings: Language - If you have defined translations for the solution, select the language in which you want to publish the solution. The elements in your solution that are not translated into this language are published in the original language. You can only publish in another language if this language is defined for the solution itself. So, for example, all content of the solution is translated to a specific language. However, no translation for this language is defined for the solution itself. In this case, you cannot publish in this language.Business processes - Define which business processes are added to the document. All - All business processes in the selected solution are added to the document.In scope - Only the business processes that are in scope are added to the document.Gaps - Only the business processes that are marked as a gap are added to the document See also - Define whether and how see also information is added to the document. Not included - No see also information is added to the document.Summary - To each business process with see also topics defined, a table is added with the see also topics.Details - To each business process with see also topics defined, a table is added with hyperlinks to the see also topics. Also, a 'Concepts' chapter is added to the document with, for each see also topics, the full description. The hyperlinks in the table refer to the related see also topics in the 'Concepts' chapter. Include business strategy - Set to Yes to add the strategy, as defined for the solution, to the document. This includes: Mission statement, goals, and metrics. Attachment lists - Set to Yes to add a list with attachments to each business process or activity with attachments.Include version number - Set to Yes to add the version number of each element to the document.Include change history - Set to Yes to add the change history of each element to the document.Number of change history records - You can define the maximum number of change history records that is published for each element. For example, if you enter 3, only the latest three changes to the element are published.Include flow summary - Set to Yes to add, for each flow, a table with the flow objects to the document. For each flow object, this information is shown: Type, Title, and Responsible (only if type is Flow activity or Data object).Include flow details - Define whether and how to add detailed flow information to the document. Not included - No detailed flow information is added to the document.Summary - A table with the flow objects is added to the document. For each flow object, this information is shown: type, title, and responsible (only if type is Flow activity or Data object).Details - The detailed information of the flow objects is added to the document. This includes: the descriptions of all flow objects and the steps and notes of the flow activities. Sub flow - Define whether and how to add detailed sub-process information to the document. Note: These are the sub-processes that are added as object to the flow. Not included - No detailed sub-process information is added to the document.Summary - A table with the flow objects of the sub-process is added to the document. For each flow object, this information is shown: Type, Title, and Responsible (only if type is Flow activity or Data object).Details - The detailed information of the flow objects of the sub-processes is added to the document. This includes: the descriptions of all flow objects and the steps and notes of the flow activities. Scenarios - Set to Yes, if you want to publish business processes of type Scenario to the document.Scope and gap summary - Set to Yes to give, for each business process that is published to the document, information on its scope and gap categorization. For example: This process is out of scope, categorized as fit.Requirements - Define whether and how requirement information is added to the document. Not included - No requirement information is added to the document.Summary - To each business process with requirements defined, a table is added with the requirements. For the not-business-process-specific requirements for the solution, a table is added in a separate 'General requirements' chapter. For each requirement, this information is shown: Requirement, Type, Status, Priority, Estimate, and Activity.Details - To each business process with requirements defined, a table is added with the requirements. For the not-business-process-specific requirements of the solution, a table is added in a separate 'General requirements' chapter. For each requirement, this information is shown: Requirement, Type, Status, Priority, Estimate, and Activity. Also, for each requirement, the description is added in a separate section below the table. Questions - Define whether and how question information is added to the document. Not included - No question information is added to the document.Summary - To each business process with questions defined, a table is added with the questions. For each question, this information is shown: Question, Type, Status, and Answer.Details - To each business process with questions defined, a table is added with the questions. For each question, this information is shown: Question, Type, Status, and Answer. Also, for each question, the description is added in a separate section below the table. Test specifications - Define whether and how test specification information is added to the document. Not included - No test specification information is added to the document.Summary - To each business process with tests defined, a table is added with the tests. For each test, this information is shown: Test, Type, Milestone, and Status.Details - To each business process with tests defined, a table is added with the tests. For each test, this information is shown: Test, Type, Milestone, and Status. Also, for each test a separate section is added below the tests table. In this section, the test description is added and a table with the relevant test cases. For each test case, this information is shown: Test case, Priority, Status, and Owner. Publish flow specification Publish flow specification You can publish a document with the specifications of a flow. You can configure the level of detail of the information that is added to the document. You can find and download the published document on the Business process file share workspace, on the Documents tab. Procedure 1. Click Business process modeling. 2. Click Flows. 3. In the list, find and select the desired record. 4. Click Publish. 5. Click Flow Specification. 6. On the Publish Flow Specification document dialog, define the required settings and click OK. 7. Close the page. Notes You can also publish a flow specification document from the Flow view form. To do so, on the Action pane, on the Publish tab, in the Documents group, click Flow specification. On the Publish flow specification document dialog, you can define these settings: Language - If you have defined translations for the flow, select the language in which you want to publish the flow specification. The elements in your flow that are not translated into this language are published in the original language.Include flow summary - If this check box is selected, a table with the flow objects is added to the document. For each flow object, this information is shown: Type, Title, and Responsible (only if type is Flow activity or Data object).Include flow details - Define whether and how to add detailed flow information to the document. Not included - No detailed flow information is added to the document.Summary - A table with the flow objects is added to the document. For each flow object, this information is shown: Type, Title, and Responsible (only if type is Flow activity or Data object).Details - The detailed information of the flow objects is added to the document. This includes: the descriptions of all flow objects and the steps and notes of the flow activities. Sub flow - Define whether and how to add detailed sub-process information to the document. Note: These are the sub-processes that are added as object to the flow. Not included - No detailed sub-process information is added to the document.Summary - A table with the flow objects of the sub-process is added to the document. For each flow object, this information is shown: Type, Title, and Responsible (only if type is Flow activity or Data object).Details - The detailed information of the flow objects of the sub-processes is added to the document. This includes: the descriptions of all flow objects and the steps and notes of the flow activities. Attachment lists - If this check box is selected, a list with attachment is added to each business process or activity with attachment.Include version number - If this check box is selected, the version number of each element is added to the document.Include change history - If this check box is selected, the change history of each element is added to the document.Number of change history records - You can define the maximum number of change history records that is published for each element. For example, if you enter 3, only the latest three changes to the element are published. Publish activity procedure Publish activity procedure You can publish a document with the specifications of an activity. You can configure the level of detail of the information that is added to the document. You can find and download the published document on the Business process file share workspace, on the Documents tab. Procedure 1. Click Business process modeling. 2. Click Activities. 3. In the list, find and select the desired record. 4. Click Publish. 5. Click Activity procedure. 6. On the Publish Activity procedure document Parameters dialog, define the required settings and click OK. 7. Close the page. Notes On the Publish activity procedure document dialog, you can define these settings:Language - If you have defined translations for the flow, select the language in which you want to publish the flow specification. The elements in your flow that are not translated into this language are published in the original language.Attachment lists - If this check box is selected, a list with attachment is added to each business process or activity with attachment.Include version number - If this check box is selected, the version number of each element is added to the document.Include change history - If this check box is selected, the change history of each element is added to the document.Number of change history records - You can define the maximum number of change history records that is published for each element. For example, if you enter 3, only the latest three changes to the element are published. Start Start End End


Name Responsible Description

Publish process specification

Solution designer

You can publish a document with the business process specifications of a solution. You can configure the level of detail of the information that is added to the document.

You can find and download the published document on the Business process file share workspace, on the Documents tab.

Publish flow specification

Solution designer

You can publish a document with the specifications of a flow. You can configure the level of detail of the information that is added to the document.

You can find and download the published document on the Business process file share workspace, on the Documents tab.

Publish activity procedure

Solution designer

You can publish a document with the specifications of an activity. You can configure the level of detail of the information that is added to the document.
You can find and download the published document on the Business process file share workspace, on the Documents tab.

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