In RapidValue - Business process training, a training has this structure:
  • Modules - Use a module to train, for example, a functional area or a phase in your business processes. Examples: procurement or implementation. A module can have several topics and exercises.
    • Topics - Use a topic to train, for example, a sub-area or sub-phase in your business processes. Examples: purchase orders or master data. A topic can have several sub-topics, lessons, and exercises.
      • Lessons - Use a lesson to train, for example, a process in your business processes. Examples: the creation of purchase orders or parameter setup. A lesson can have several sub-lessons and exercises.
        • Exercises - Use exercises to practice what is learned in a training. For example, the execution of a process as learned in a lesson. You can assign exercises to modules, topics, and lessons.


Name Responsible Description

Create and design modules

Training developer

Use a module to train, for example, a functional area or a phase in your business processes. Examples: procurement or implementation. A module can have several topics, lessons, and exercises.

Create and design exercises

Training developer

Use exercises to practice, for example, the execution of a process as learned in a lesson.
You can create exercises in several ways. The basic flow is:
  1. Create the exercise.
  2. Assign the exercise to a business process.
  3. Assign the business process exercise to a module, topic, or lesson in the module hierarchy.
You can do two or all steps in one go:
  • Directly create an exercise for a business process.
  • Generate a module. On module generation, exercises are created and assigned to business processes. These business process exercises are assigned to a module, topic, or lesson in the module hierarchy.
Each exercise that you create is stored in the 'exercises library' which you can view on the Exercises page. You can assign these exercises to a business process.

Create and design modules

Create and design exercises

Monitor training design

Provide feedback