If you set up a flow, usually, you first define the things to be done in the process. So, you first add the activities or (sub-)processes. This activity describes how to add a new activity to a flow.

If you add an activity to a flow, it is automatically added to the lane for the related role. If, in the flow, no lane is available for the role, a new lane is created.

Standard procedure

1. Click Business process modeling.
2. Click the Business processes tab.
3. Click Edit hierarchy.
4. In the tree, select 'a node'.
5. Click Design.
6. Click Activity.
7. Click the New tab.
8. In the Activity field, type a value.
9. In the Type field, select an option. For example, click Application.
10. In the Application field, enter or select a value.
11. In the Default role field, enter or select a value.
12. Click OK.
13. Click Save.

Note: If you have changed the activity text in the flow design, click outside the activity element before you save the flow design.

14. Close the page.


You can also open the Flow design page from the:

  • Business process designer page
  • Flow page

Related to Notes

Define activities


Design flows


Provide feedback