When a source company releases a master record, it is added to the Master data inbox of the target company.

The added record has the status To be processed. You can only view the record.
When the source company runs an MDM message and no errors occur, in the Master data inbox, the status of the record is changed to processed. This indicates that the master data is imported in the database of the target company or in the staging journal.
Possible statuses of the Master data inbox are:
  • To be processed: Status after the record is released.
  • In processes: The MDM message is running.
  • Processed: The master data is imported in the database of the target company or in the staging journal.
  • Cancelled: The data steward of the source company cancelled the release of the record.
  • Error: An error occurred when running the MDM message.
Note: Monitor the Master data inbox in the target company.

Standard procedure

1. Click Master data management - Inbox.
2. Sub-task: View record details.
  2.1 You can view the details of the record that is released or send as master data to the target company.
For example, if the master data in the inbox is a vendor group, you can view the vendor group detailed information, as available in the target company.
  On the Master data inbox tab, in the list, find and select the desired record.
  2.2 Click View details.
  2.3 Close the page.
3. Sub-task: Reschedule master record.
  3.1 You can reschedule a master data record with the 'To be processed' status to another planned release date.
The master data messages, to send the released master record to the target companies or to the MDM staging journal, are only run if the planned release date is:
- Not defined.
- The current date.
- A data before the current date.
  On the Master data inbox tab, in the list, find and select the desired record.
  3.2 Click Reschedule release to open the drop dialog.
  3.3 In the Planned release date field, enter a date and time.

Note: To remove the current planned release date, leave this Planned release date field empty.

  3.4 Click OK.
4. Sub-task: View master record message history.
  4.1 You can view the message history of the master data record.
  On the Master data inbox tab, in the list, find and select the desired record.
  4.2 Click Inbox history.
  4.3 Close the page.
5. Sub-task: View Infolog.
  5.1 If the status is Error, you can view the Infolog with the error message.
  On the Master data inbox tab, in the list, find and select the desired record.
  5.2 Click Show Infolog.
Related to Notes

Manage master data inbox


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