If you use staging in your master data process, master records are imported into the staging journal by the ‘Data to staging’ message. You can monitor the master record staging journals in the target company.
Each time a ‘Data to staging’ message is run, all related master records (with status Released) are imported into the staging journal. For each message run and target company combination, a journal is added to the MDM staging journal. Each processed master record results in a line in the relevant journal. For each line, all the fields, as defined in the document, are shown with the related values.

Staging journal validations

The master records in the staging journal can be validated according to the applicable staging journal validation setup. If the applicable validation rules are:

  • Met, the staging journal line is automatically approved. Depending on the master data entity setup, the approved lines are processed automatically by the 'Data from staging' message or you must manually run this message.
  • Not met, an error or warning is given. Before the line can be processed further, review the errors and warnings, and take appropriate actions.

If you use data comparison, you can also apply a staging journal validation. This validation defines what happens with journal lines with data differences. If you manually generate a data comparison, make sure the data comparison is done before you manually apply staging journal validations.

To apply a staging validation, in Connectivity studio, in the Staging display options, for the desired record, set up a validation with the BisValidationMdmDifference validation class. The Exception behavior and Type settings of the validation setup define what happens if differences are found. For more information, refer to Set up staging validations

Standard procedure

1. Click Master data management - Inbox.
2. On the Master data tab, in the list, find and select the desired record.
3. Click Staging journal.
4. By default, only the not approved staging journals are shown.
  Select Yes in the Show all field to show all staging journals.
5. For each staging journal, you can review its details.
  In the left pane, in the list, find and select the desired staging journal.
6. Sub-task: Compare data.
  6.1 For each staging journal record, you can compare the differences between the current target company values and the values as sent by the source company.
  In the left pane, in the list, find and select the desired staging journal.

To compare values, the data comparison must be generated.
If for a staging journal the Has difference field is set to 'Yes', a data comparison is already generated and differences are found.
You can generate a data comparison in these ways:
- Generate the data comparison when the 'Data to staging' message is run. To do so, select the Generate compare data field of the master data entity message setup.
- Manually generate the data comparison. To do so, on the Master data management - Inbox workspace, on the Master data inbox tab, click Generate compare data.

  6.2 In the desired record section, on the Data tab, in the list, find and select the desired record.
  6.3 Click Compare.

To compare the data as sent by the source company with the data in the target company, the 'Data from staging' message is run 'pro forma'. Instead of updating the data in the target company, a log is created that is used to compare the data. So, if errors occur when generating the data comparison, these errors can also occur when running the 'Data from staging' message.

  6.4 View the differences between the values of the record.
By default, only the fields are shown with a difference between the current target company value and the sent source company value.
You can show the values for all fields.
  Select No in the Show only difference field.
  6.5 Close the page.
7. Close the page.
8. Sub-task: Run staging message.
  8.1 If the 'Data from staging' message is not run automatically, you must run it manually.
  On the Master data tab, in the list, find and select the desired record.
  8.2 Click Run staging.
  8.3 Click OK.

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