On installation, EDI studio adds a set of EDI-specific security roles to the set of roles as provided in D365 FO. You can assign the users, who play a role in EDI management, to these EDI studio security roles.

You can use these EDI studio security roles in your EDI team:

Roles AOT names Purpose Description
EDI administrator BisEdiAdmin Maintain EDI Studio The EDI administrator maintains EDI studio. This role has the other EDI roles as sub roles.
EDI Connectivity designer BisEdiDesigner Design EDI interfaces The designer of the EDI interfaces, including messages, documents, connectors, and related setup. The designer has read, update, create, and delete access to all EDI design-related data and to the periodic actions in EDI studio. Besides this, the designer has read, update, create, and delete access to all Connectivity studio data.
EDI operations BisEdiOperation Manage EDI journals The role to run the EDI messages, and to manage all EDI journals and history.
EDI party setup BisEdiPartySetup Manage EDI parties The role to set up and maintain the EDI studio setup, such as, EDI parties, validation rules, and journal validations. This role can also import and export the EDI studio setup.
EDI view BisEdiViewAll View only The role to monitor the EDI process. This role has read access to all EDI data and actions.

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