The BisEdiHistory table is the linking pin between EDI Studio and Connectivity Studio. Therefore, you must add this table to your EDI-related messages and documents in Connectivity Studio.

The BisEdiHistory table is used to:
  • Monitor the EDI history.
  • Map external IDs to D365 FO IDs.
You can use the BisEdiHistory table for inbound messages and outbound messages.
Insert record
When a record is inserted in the BisEdiHistory table, several fields are filled based on direction, order type, buyer or seller, and recipient (for inbound messages).
Field Description
AcknowledgementStatus The acknowledgement status.
Buyer The EAN code for the buyer.
CompanyId The company identification.
CustAccount The related customer.
Direction The message direction.
EdiCustomer The EDI customer.
EdiVendor The EDI vendor.
History The internal history identification. this identification connects all related history records. You can get the history with a custom BisGetHistoryId method in you mapping.
HistoryId Can be anything, but it must be unique.
InventLocationId The identification of the location.
IsTest The test indicator as filled from the related EDI document flow.
MessageCreatedDateTime The message creation date and time.
MessageType The message type. For example: Order or Acknowledgement.
OriginId The origin where the data comes from. For example: CRM, website, or EDI.
PurchaseJournal The related purchase journal, if applicable.
PurchId The related purchase order.
Recipient The EAN code for the recipient.
SalesId The related sales order.
SalesJournal The related sales journal, if applicable.
Seller The EAN code of the seller.
Sender The EAN code of the sender.
VendAccount The related vendor.


Mapping IDs
On insert of a record in the BisEdiHistory table, several fields are filled based on a pre-defined mapping.
For an:
  • Inbound message, several EDI field values are imported and converted to the related Dynamics 365 for F&O field values.
  • Outbound message, several Dynamics 365 for F&O field values are taken and converted to the related EDI field values.
Seller messages:
For the inbound seller messages, the field value conversion is:
  • Recipient -> Legal entity
  • Seller -> Legal entity
  • Sender -> EDI partner / Customer
  • Buyer -> Customer
For the outbound seller messages, the field value conversion is:
  • Legal entity -> Sender
  • Legal entity -> Seller
  • EDI partner / Customer -> Sender
  • Customer -> Buyer
Buyer messages:
For the outbound buyer massages, the field value conversion is:
  • Legal entity -> Sender
  • Legal entity -> Buyer
  • EDI partner / Vendor -> Sender
  • Vendor-> Seller
For the inbound buyer messages, the field value conversion is:
  • Recipient -> Legal entity
  • Buyer -> Legal entity
  • Sender -> EDI partner / Vendor
  • Seller -> Vendor
3PL messages:
For the inbound 3PL messages, the field value conversion is:
  • Recipient -> Legal entity
  • Warehouse -> Sender
For the outbound 3PL messages, the field value conversion is:
  • Legal entity -> Sender
  • Warehouse -> Recipient

Related to Notes

Monitor EDI history


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