As a data owner, when you have finished the review and editing of a data quality assessment record with errors or warnings, change its status accordingly.

You can choose one of these statuses:

  • Accept deviation: You did not make changes to the source record, nor merged duplicate record fields to solve the error or warning. So, you accept the deviation from the data quality policy rule.
  • Completed: You made changes to the source record or merged duplicate record fields to solve the error or warning.

Standard procedure

1. Go to Data quality studio > Inquiries > Quality assessment exceptions log.
2. In the list, find and select the desired record.
3. Click Change status to open the drop dialog.
4. In the Review status field, select 'Accept deviation' or 'Completed'.
5. Usually, if you set the review status to 'Accept deviation', you define a reason code to explain why you accept the deviation.
However, if you have set up a reason code to indicate why you complete a record, you can use this reason code here as well.
  In the Reason code field, enter or select a value.

Note: Based on the setting of the 'Require reason when accepting deviation' parameter, it can be mandatory to define a reason code when you accept a deviation.

6. You can enter some additional notes to explain the reason for accepting the deviation.
  In the Reason notes field, type a value.
7. Click OK.
8. Click Yes.
9. Close the page.

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