As a data owner, you can review and process data quality assessment results.

For each record with errors or warnings, you can open the source record to review the error or warning and, if desired, make changes.

Usually, you review and change the source record in case of a validation rule error or warning.

Standard procedure

1. Go to Data quality studio > Inquiries > Quality assessment exceptions log.
2. In the list, find and select the desired record with review status 'In progress'.
3. Click Open source record.
4. If desired, click Edit, and make changes to solve the errors or warnings.
5. Close the page.
6. Close the page.


If a Data entry workflow integration is set up for the quality assessment project, for each record with errors or warnings, you can start a data entry workflow to make the desired changes to the record. To do so, select an entry, and click Run workflow.
Note: You can start only one data entry workflow for each record with errors or warnings. A record can fail several validations or duplicate checks. For each failed validation rule or duplicate check rule, a separate entry is created in the Quality assessment exceptions log. So, if you have started a data entry workflow for an entry, you cannot start another data entry workflow for another entry of the same record.

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