For an enrichment rule, use an enrichment line to set a field value. To set a field value, you can use several value types. Use the value type Data query to find a value using a query and set the found value in the target field of the enrichment rule line.

In a data query enrichment rule line, use a dynamic query to define the query that is used to find the value to be set in the target field. Before you can set up an enrichment rule line with a dynamic query, set up the dynamic query to be applied. You can use a dynamic query, for example, to query other tables than the enrichment rule table, to define table relations, and to have only one record returned.

Standard procedure

1. Click Data quality management.
2. On the Data quality policies tab, in the list, click the link of the desired data quality policy.
3. Click the Enrichment rules tab.
4. In the enrichment rules list (left pane), find and select the desired enrichment rule.
5. In the Enrichment lines section, click Add.
6. Define the table to be used as target datasource.
Target datasources can exist, other than the source datasource. If so, you can select the source datasource or one of the other target datasources.
  In the Target data source field, enter or select a value.
7. Define the target datasource field which value must be set.
  In the Target field field, enter or select a value.

Note: If the enrichment line is marked as 'key-field' or 'has-relation', the target field is used to define to which target datasource records the enrichment rule applies. In tis case, the target field value is not set.

8. In the Value type field, select 'Data query'.
9. You can use manually defined field relations to identify records in the target datasource. The manually defined field relations setup defines to which target datasource records the enrichment rule applies.
You can use manually defined field relations, for example, if no key fields are defined, or if you want to define other field relations than defined by the key fields.
  Select the Has relation check box.
10. Usually, the dynamic query is already set up. Select the applicable dynamic query.
  In the Details section, in the Query field, enter or select a value.
11. Define the table of the field in the dynamic query which value must be set in the target field.
  In the Result table name field, enter or select a value.


  • Define a table that exists in the dynamic query.
  • The table can be another table than the one that you defined for the action rule line.

12. Define the field in the query which value must be set in the target field.
  In the Result field field, enter or select a value.


  • Define a field that exists in the dynamic query.
  • The field can be another field than the target field that you defined for the action rule line.
  • Make sure the data type of the result field is compatible with the data type of the target field.

13. Close the page.

See also

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