A fuzzy duplicate check with phonetic search rules applied, uses phonetic search keys to search for possible duplicate values. For better performance of duplicate checks, the phonetic search keys for existing data must be generated and synchronized regularly. The synchronized phonetic search keys are stored in the DQSPhoneticKey table.

To have up-to-date phonetic search keys, you are advised to synchronize the phonetic search keys several times per day. Regular synchronization of phonetic search keys is required due to:

  • New or changed data on which fuzzy duplicate checks are done.
  • New or changed fuzzy duplicate checks phonetic search setup.

On synchronization, phonetic search keys are created for:

  • Active fuzzy duplicate checks.
  • Only for the table fields with phonetic search setup.

The phonetic search keys are created considering the setup of the applicable phonetic search rule:

  • Phonetic search algorithm.
  • Maximum phonetic search key length.
  • Words to be ignored.

Standard procedure

1. Click Data quality management.
2. Click Duplicate checks.
3. In the list, find and select the desired active duplicate check with at least one table field to which phonetic search is applied.
4. Click Synchronize phonetic search keys.

You can run the phonetic search keys synchronization for:

  • A specific duplicate check. In this case define the desired duplicate check.
  • All duplicate checks. in this case, leave the Duplicate check name field empty.
  In the Duplicate check name field, type a value.
6. You can regenerate all phonetic search keys. Usually, you only do so when required. For example, when phonetic search duplicate checks don't return the expected results.
For performance reasons, usually, you run the recurring batch without regenerating all phonetic search keys.
  Select No in the Force recreate field.
7. Sub-task: Set up recurring batch processing.
  7.1 Expand the Run in the background section.
  7.2 Select Yes in the Batch processing field and fill in the other fields as desired.
  7.3 Click Recurrence and fill in the fields as desired.
  7.4 Click OK.
8. Click OK.


In case of a Data Entry Workflow integration, when you create or change a record, and phonetic search is applicable, the phonetic search keys are created automatically.

Related to Notes

Set up duplicate check


See also

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