You can test a web service configuration.

When you test the web service configuration, this is tested:

  • Connection to the web service.
  • Request that is sent to the web service.
  • Response that is received from the web service.

Standard procedure

1. Click Data quality management.
2. Click Web services.
3. In the list, find and select the desired web service.
4. Expand the Web service test section.
5. Click New.
6. In the Test scenario name field, type a value.
7. Define the expected result of the test.
You can indicate if you expect the test to pass or to fail.
  In the Expected field, select an option.
8. Click Save.
9. Sub-task: Configure the web service test.
  9.1 Click Setup test.
  9.2 Define the request parameters that you want to use for the test.
  In the Request parameters section, click Add.
  9.3 In the Parameter name field, enter or select a request parameter.
  9.4 Define the test value for the request parameter.
  In the Parameter value field, type a value.
  9.5 Define the response parameters that you want to use for the test.
  In the Expected response section, click Add.
  9.6 In the Parameter name field, enter or select a response parameter.
  9.7 Define the condition that the response value must meet to pass or fail the test.
  In the Condition type field, select an option.
  9.8 In the Parameter value field, type the condition value with which the response value must be compared.
  9.9 Click Close.
10. Test the web service configuration.
  Click Execute test.


As a result of the test, these fields are set:

  • Actual: Indicates if the test passed or failed. You can compare this with the defined expected result.
  • Last run date time: The date and time the test was last done.

11. Sub-task: Analyze web service test response.
  11.1 The last web service response is stored. You can analyze it, for example, if the expected test result and actual test result are different.
  Click Web service response.

Note: The web service response is shown in XML format.

  11.2 Click Close.
12. Close the page.

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