In Data modeling studio, a data set defines the data to be exported. Use a data set to define the data to be exported by a data model.

You can create data sets based on a form. A form can have fields from several tables. You can select any form field. If the selected form fields are related to different tables, for each of these tables, a separate data set is created.

If a data set already exists for a table, no new data set is created. If a selected field:

  • Already exists in the existing data set, nothing is done.
  • Does not exist in the existing data set, the field is added to the existing data set.

Standard procedure

1. Go to Data modeling studio > Data modeling studio > Data sets.
2. On the Action Pane, click Create.
3. Click Design.
4. In the Forms labels field, enter or select the desired form.
5. You can select all fields or several fields to be added to a data set.
  In the 'Available' list, select the desired fields.
6. Move the fields to the 'Selected' list.
  Click Add.
7. Click Apply.
8. Close the page.


If you create a data set, the data set identification is composed in this way: [Prefix][Table name][Suffix].

  • Prefix: If on the Date modeling studio parameters, the Entity prefix field is filled, this field value is added as prefix to the data set identification. If no prefix is defined, no prefix is added.
  • Table name: The name of the table that is defined for the data set.
  • Suffix: This fixed suffix is added to the data set identification: DataEntity.

Example: If the entity prefix is 'CDP' and you create a data set for the SalesTable, the data set identification is: CDPSalesTableDataEntity.

Related to Notes

Set up data sets


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