In the Data modeling studio, a data set defines the data to be exported. For each data set, define the relevant fields.

Standard procedure

1. Go to Data modeling studio > Data modeling studio > Data sets.
2. In the list, click the link of the desired data set.
3. Expand the Table fields section.
4. Sub-task: Add several fields.
  4.1 You can add several fields to the data set at once.
  Click Add fields....
  4.2 You can select all fields or several fields to be added to the data set.
  On the dialog, select the desired fields.
  4.3 Click OK.
5. Sub-task: Add one field.
  5.1 You can add one field to the data set.
  Click Add field.
  5.2 In the Field name field, enter or select a value.


To decide on the fields to be added, you can browse the data set table with the Table browser. To do so, on the Data set page, on the Action Pane, in the Create group, click Browse.

Related to Notes

Set up data sets


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