On export of data, the data synchronization setup defines which records are processed.
Data synchronization only applies to messages with an internal document as source document.
You can use these types of data synchronization:

Type Description
All This is the standard data synchronization. All records that are found, based on the source document setup, are exported. No data synchronization setup is required for this.
Table events You can use table events to log data changes. You can define, for each record, which table events are logged. The table events are logged in the Data synchronization log. From here, the logged entries must be processed further to the Outbound message queue. Process the outbound message queue to run the messages to export the records.
Date range You can use a date range to export only the records that are changed or added since the latest message run.

Application Consultant Application Consultant Start Start How to synchronize data? How to synchronize data? Set up data synchronization - Table events Set up data synchronization - Table events On export of data, the data synchronization setup defines which records are processed.Data synchronization only applies to messages with an internal document as source document.This topic explains how to use table events to track data changes. You can define, for each record, which table events are logged. The table events are logged in the Data synchronization log. From here, the logged entries must be processed further to the Outbound message queue. Process the outbound message queue to run the messages to export the records. Procedure 1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design. 2. On the Message tab, in the list, find and select the desired message. 3. Click Edit. 4. Click Header. 5. Expand the Setup for data synchronization section. 6. In the Synchronization type field, select 'Table events'. 7. Click Save. 8. Select No in the Bundle outbound queue by message field. 9. Select No in the Redirect event field. 10. Sub-task: Add records. 11. You can initialize the table event records based on the source document records. For each source document record, a record is added. Click Initialize. Note: You can also add table event records manually. To do so, click New. You can only select a record from the source document. 12. In the list, find and select the desired record. 13. Select or clear the Insert check box. 14. Select or clear the Update check box. 15. Select or clear the Delete check box. 16. Select or clear the Check used fields check box. 17. In the Trigger type field, select an option. 18. Sub-task: Create SQL triggers. 19. If you have records with the trigger type 'SQL trigger' selected, create the SQL triggers. Click Create SQL triggers. Note: To view the created SQL triggers, click SQL trigger. All existing SQL triggers for all messages are shown. 20. Close the page. Set up data synchronization - Date range Set up data synchronization - Date range On export of data, the data synchronization setup defines which records are processed.Data synchronization only applies to messages with an internal document as source document.This topic explains how to use a date range to export only the records that are changed or added since the latest message run.Make sure, the root record of the source document has a date/time field that indicates when the record is last changed, for example a 'modifiedDateTime' field. If you run the message, all records that are found, based on the source document setup, are considered. For each found root record, the date/time is compared with the Latest run date/time of the message. Only the records are exported with a date/time that is later than the latest run date/time of the message. Procedure 1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design. 2. On the Message tab, in the list, find and select the desired message. 3. Click Edit. 4. Click Header. 5. Expand the Setup for data synchronization section. 6. In the Synchronization type field, select 'Date range'. 7. Click Save. 8. In the Record field field, enter or select a value. 9. In the Depends on message field, enter or select a value. 10. In the Store last run per company field, select Yes. 11. Close the page. Validate connectivity setup

Validate connectivity setup

If you open a form or save (changes to) the setup of a key element in Connectivity studio, the setup is validated automatically. If errors are found in the setup, an error icon   is shown. You can click the icon to show the related error messages.

You can also manually start an automated test to check for errors in the setup. As a result, the found errors are shown. Also, the error icons are shown where applicable.
When errors are found, you can try to fix these errors automatically.
You can check and auto-fix errors for these key elements in Connectivity studio:
Key element Check
Projects When automatically checked, only the project setup is checked, and not the related setup like messages and connectors. When started manually, the full project setup is checked.
Documents The document setup is checked, including the document records setup.
Document records Only the document records setup is checked.
Messages The message setup is checked, including the data synchronization setup and message mapping.
Message - Data synchronization setup Only the data synchronization setup is checked.
Message mapping Only the message mapping is checked.
Message business events A check is done if a business event is created for the message business event. Also, a check is done if the target fields and source fields match with the related document setup.
Connectors Only the connector setup is checked.
Web services The web service setup is checked, including the data synchronization setup.
Web service - Data synchronization setup Only the data synchronization setup is checked.

In this flow, in the activity steps, as an example, the validation is done for documents.

End End Based on  table events Based on  date range Standard


Name Responsible Description

Set up data synchronization - Table events - Message

Application Consultant

On export of data, the data synchronization setup defines which records are processed.
Data synchronization only applies to messages with an internal document as source document.
This topic explains how to use table events to track data changes. You can define, for each record, which table events are logged. The table events are logged in the Data synchronization log. From here, the logged entries must be processed further to the Outbound message queue. Process the outbound message queue to run the messages to export the records.

Set up data synchronization - Date range - Message

Application Consultant

On export of data, the data synchronization setup defines which records are processed.
Data synchronization only applies to messages with an internal document as source document.
This topic explains how to use a date range to export only the records that are changed or added since the latest message run.
Make sure, the root record of the source document has a date/time field that indicates when the record is last changed, for example a 'modifiedDateTime' field. If you run the message, all records that are found, based on the source document setup, are considered. For each found root record, the date/time is compared with the Latest run date/time of the message. Only the records are exported with a date/time that is later than the latest run date/time of the message.

Validate connectivity setup

Application Consultant

If you open a form or save (changes to) the setup of a key element in Connectivity studio, the setup is validated automatically. If errors are found in the setup, an error icon   is shown. You can click the icon to show the related error messages.

You can also manually start an automated test to check for errors in the setup. As a result, the found errors are shown. Also, the error icons are shown where applicable.
When errors are found, you can try to fix these errors automatically.
You can check and auto-fix errors for these key elements in Connectivity studio:
Key element Check
Projects When automatically checked, only the project setup is checked, and not the related setup like messages and connectors. When started manually, the full project setup is checked.
Documents The document setup is checked, including the document records setup.
Document records Only the document records setup is checked.
Messages The message setup is checked, including the data synchronization setup and message mapping.
Message - Data synchronization setup Only the data synchronization setup is checked.
Message mapping Only the message mapping is checked.
Message business events A check is done if a business event is created for the message business event. Also, a check is done if the target fields and source fields match with the related document setup.
Connectors Only the connector setup is checked.
Web services The web service setup is checked, including the data synchronization setup.
Web service - Data synchronization setup Only the data synchronization setup is checked.

In this flow, in the activity steps, as an example, the validation is done for documents.


Name Responsible Description

Set up data synchronization - Table events - Message

Application Consultant

On export of data, the data synchronization setup defines which records are processed.
Data synchronization only applies to messages with an internal document as source document.
This topic explains how to use table events to track data changes. You can define, for each record, which table events are logged. The table events are logged in the Data synchronization log. From here, the logged entries must be processed further to the Outbound message queue. Process the outbound message queue to run the messages to export the records.

Set up data synchronization - Date range - Message

Application Consultant

On export of data, the data synchronization setup defines which records are processed.
Data synchronization only applies to messages with an internal document as source document.
This topic explains how to use a date range to export only the records that are changed or added since the latest message run.
Make sure, the root record of the source document has a date/time field that indicates when the record is last changed, for example a 'modifiedDateTime' field. If you run the message, all records that are found, based on the source document setup, are considered. For each found root record, the date/time is compared with the Latest run date/time of the message. Only the records are exported with a date/time that is later than the latest run date/time of the message.

Validate connectivity setup

Application Consultant

If you open a form or save (changes to) the setup of a key element in Connectivity studio, the setup is validated automatically. If errors are found in the setup, an error icon   is shown. You can click the icon to show the related error messages.

You can also manually start an automated test to check for errors in the setup. As a result, the found errors are shown. Also, the error icons are shown where applicable.
When errors are found, you can try to fix these errors automatically.
You can check and auto-fix errors for these key elements in Connectivity studio:
Key element Check
Projects When automatically checked, only the project setup is checked, and not the related setup like messages and connectors. When started manually, the full project setup is checked.
Documents The document setup is checked, including the document records setup.
Document records Only the document records setup is checked.
Messages The message setup is checked, including the data synchronization setup and message mapping.
Message - Data synchronization setup Only the data synchronization setup is checked.
Message mapping Only the message mapping is checked.
Message business events A check is done if a business event is created for the message business event. Also, a check is done if the target fields and source fields match with the related document setup.
Connectors Only the connector setup is checked.
Web services The web service setup is checked, including the data synchronization setup.
Web service - Data synchronization setup Only the data synchronization setup is checked.

In this flow, in the activity steps, as an example, the validation is done for documents.

See also

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