If you use Azure Service Bus queues or topics to export data, you can monitor and troubleshoot the Service Bus dead letter data information on several specific pages.

Application Consultant Application Consultant Start Start Receive data from Service Bus dead letter queue Receive data from Service Bus dead letter queue If a receiver reads a message from a Service Bus queue or topic subscription, an error can occur. If so, the Service Bus moves the message to the applicable dead letter queue.You can receive the messages from the Service Bus dead letter queue.On receiving data from the Service Bus dead letter queue, based on the Service Bus search definitions and settings on the received data, messages are automatically assigned to the received dead letter data records. The assigned messages are used to further process the dead letter data into D365 FO. For example, you can set a Production order 'On hold' when a dead letter is received on the export of a production order. Procedure 1. Go to Connectivity studio > Inquiries > Service Bus queue > Received dead letter data. 2. On the Action Pane, click Operation. 3. Click Receive dead letter data. 4. In the Source connector field, enter or select a value. 5. In the Number of messages field, enter a number. 6. Sub-task: Set recurrence. 7. Expand the Run in the background section. 8. Select Yes in the Batch processing field and fill in the other fields as desired. 9. Click Recurrence. 10. Fill in the recurrence settings as desired and click OK. 11. Click OK. 12. Close the page. Notes You cannot apply peek lock on receiving data from a dead letter queue. Monitor data received from Service Bus dead letter queue Monitor data received from Service Bus dead letter queue You can monitor the data that you receive from an Azure Service Bus dead letter queue. Use the Received status to decide if any troubleshooting action is required. The possible statuses are: Status Description New The data is received from the Service Bus dead letter queue. Based on the Service Bus search definitions, a message is assigned. In process The data is now imported into D365 FO by the assigned message. Finished The data import into D365 FO is finished successfully. Error The data import into D365 FO is finished with errors. Invalid The data is received from the Service Bus dead letter queue. But, based on the Service Bus search definitions, no message is assigned. Procedure 1. Go to Connectivity studio > Inquiries > Service Bus queue > Received dead letter data. 2. To show all received dead letter data records, clear the Show errors check box. What's the received  record status? What's the received  record status? Adjust Service Bus search definitions Adjust Service Bus search definitions You can use Service Bus search definitions to automatically assign Connectivity studio messages to received data records from a Service Bus. Procedure 1. Go to Service Bus search definitions. Note: You can open this page from the Connectivity studio menu or from the Connector page. 2. Click New. 3. In the Dead letter field, select the applicable option. 4. In the Service Bus namespace field, enter the name of the applicable Service Bus namespace. 5. In the Entity name field, enter the name of the applicable Service Bus queue or Service Bus topic. 6. In the Subscription field, if the entity is a topic, enter the name of the applicable Service Bus topic subscription. 7. In the Priority field, enter the desired priority number. 8. In the Content info field, enter the value based on which to filter the search definition. 9. In the Subject filter field, select an option. 10. In the Subject info field, enter the value based on which to filter the search definition. 11. Define the message to be assigned to the received data records that match the search definition. In the Message field, enter or select a value. Note: The defined message must have the 'Service Bus queue' connector as source connector. 12. In the Company field, enter or select a value. 13. Close the page. Reassign message to data received from Service Bus dead letter queue Reassign message to data received from Service Bus dead letter queue If no message is assigned to data that you received from a Service Bus dead letter queue (Received status = Invalid), you must adjust or add Service Bus search definitions for dead letter data. If you have done so, you can retry to assign messages to the received dead letter data records without a message assigned.On reassign, for all received dead letter data records without a message, a matching search definition is searched for. If a matching search definition is found:The message and company, as defined for the search definition, are assigned to the received dead letter data record.The received dead letter data record status is set to 'New'.You can reassign messages:AutomaticallyManually Procedure 1. Go to Connectivity studio > Inquiries > Service Bus queue > Received dead letter data. 2. Sub-task: Reassign messages automatically. 3. On the Action Pane, click Operation. 4. Click Reassign. 5. Sub-task: Assign message manually. 6. Click Edit. 7. In the list, find and select the desired record. 8. In the Message field, enter or select a value. 9. Close the page. Process received dead letter data Process received dead letter data If a receiver reads a message from a Service Bus queue or topic subscription, an error can occur. If so, the Service Bus moves the message to the applicable dead letter queue. You can receive the Service Bus dead letter queue data. When received, you can further process this data into D365 FO. For example, you can set a Production order 'On hold' when a dead letter is received on the export of a production order. To further process the received dead letter data, run the messages as assigned to the received dead letter data records. You can run the messages in several ways, as desired. You can run a message by running a: Project Task Message Note: The assigned process messages must have the 'Service Bus queue' connector as source connector. What's the status  when the import  message has run? What's the status  when the import  message has run? Troubleshoot message issues

Monitor message history

You can review and analyze the history of message runs that have run with errors. You can investigate these errors and take the appropriate actions to solve the errors. If the errors are solved, you can re-run the message run.

To monitor the message history, use the Connectivity studio integration operations workspace.



Reset status of date received from Service Bus dead letter queue Reset status of date received from Service Bus dead letter queue To import data received from a Service Bus dead letter queue, you run import messages to read data from the 'Received dead letter data' table and import this data into D365 FO. If an import message run finishes with errors, the related received dead letter data record gets the status 'Error'. When you have finished troubleshooting the error, you can reset the received dead letter data record status.You can reset the status:At once for all received dead letter data records with the same message assigned. You can, for example do so if you have troubleshooted a message for which you have received several dead letter data records.Manually for a specific received dead letter data record.You can, for example, reset the status to:'New' if you want to run the import message again for the received dead letter data records.'Finished' if no import of the received dead letter data record is required. Procedure 1. Go to Connectivity studio > Inquiries > Service Bus queue > Received dead letter data. 2. Sub-task: Reset status for several records at once. 3. On the Action Pane, click Operation. 4. Click Reset status. 5. In the Message field, enter or select a value. 6. In the Value from field, select an option. 7. In the Value to field, select an option. 8. Click OK. 9. Sub-task: Manually reset record status. 10. Click Edit. 11. In the list, find and select the desired record. 12. In the Recieved status field, select an option. 13. Close the page. Rerun process  message? Rerun process  message? End End Status = Invalid Status = New Status =  In process Status = Error Status = Finished Yes (Status = New) No


Name Responsible Description

Receive data from Service Bus dead letter queue

Application Consultant

If a receiver reads a message from a Service Bus queue or topic subscription, an error can occur. If so, the Service Bus moves the message to the applicable dead letter queue.

You can receive the messages from the Service Bus dead letter queue.

On receiving data from the Service Bus dead letter queue, based on the Service Bus search definitions and settings on the received data, messages are automatically assigned to the received dead letter data records. The assigned messages are used to further process the dead letter data into D365 FO. For example, you can set a Production order 'On hold' when a dead letter is received on the export of a production order.

Monitor data received from Service Bus dead letter queue

Application Consultant

You can monitor the data that you receive from an Azure Service Bus dead letter queue.
Use the Received status to decide if any troubleshooting action is required.

The possible statuses are:
Status Description
New The data is received from the Service Bus dead letter queue. Based on the Service Bus search definitions, a message is assigned.
In process The data is now imported into D365 FO by the assigned message.
Finished The data import into D365 FO is finished successfully.
Error The data import into D365 FO is finished with errors.
Invalid The data is received from the Service Bus dead letter queue. But, based on the Service Bus search definitions, no message is assigned.

Set up Service Bus search definition

Application Consultant

You can use Service Bus search definitions to automatically assign Connectivity studio messages to received data records from a Service Bus.

Reassign message to data received from Service Bus dead letter queue

Application Consultant

If no message is assigned to data that you received from a Service Bus dead letter queue (Received status = Invalid), you must adjust or add Service Bus search definitions for dead letter data. If you have done so, you can retry to assign messages to the received dead letter data records without a message assigned.
On reassign, for all received dead letter data records without a message, a matching search definition is searched for. If a matching search definition is found:
  • The message and company, as defined for the search definition, are assigned to the received dead letter data record.
  • The received dead letter data record status is set to 'New'.
You can reassign messages:
  • Automatically
  • Manually

Process received dead letter data

Application Consultant

If a receiver reads a message from a Service Bus queue or topic subscription, an error can occur. If so, the Service Bus moves the message to the applicable dead letter queue.

You can receive the Service Bus dead letter queue data. When received, you can further process this data into D365 FO. For example, you can set a Production order 'On hold' when a dead letter is received on the export of a production order.

To further process the received dead letter data, run the messages as assigned to the received dead letter data records. You can run the messages in several ways, as desired. You can run a message by running a:

  • Project
  • Task
  • Message
Note: The assigned process messages must have the 'Service Bus queue' connector as source connector.

Monitor message history

Application Consultant

You can review and analyze the history of message runs that have run with errors. You can investigate these errors and take the appropriate actions to solve the errors. If the errors are solved, you can re-run the message run.

To monitor the message history, use the Connectivity studio integration operations workspace.


Reset status of date received from Service Bus dead letter queue

Application Consultant

To import data received from a Service Bus dead letter queue, you run import messages to read data from the 'Received dead letter data' table and import this data into D365 FO. If an import message run finishes with errors, the related received dead letter data record gets the status 'Error'. When you have finished troubleshooting the error, you can reset the received dead letter data record status.
You can reset the status:
  • At once for all received dead letter data records with the same message assigned. You can, for example do so if you have troubleshooted a message for which you have received several dead letter data records.
  • Manually for a specific received dead letter data record.
You can, for example, reset the status to:
  • 'New' if you want to run the import message again for the received dead letter data records.
  • 'Finished' if no import of the received dead letter data record is required.


Name Responsible Description

Receive data from Service Bus dead letter queue

Application Consultant

If a receiver reads a message from a Service Bus queue or topic subscription, an error can occur. If so, the Service Bus moves the message to the applicable dead letter queue.

You can receive the messages from the Service Bus dead letter queue.

On receiving data from the Service Bus dead letter queue, based on the Service Bus search definitions and settings on the received data, messages are automatically assigned to the received dead letter data records. The assigned messages are used to further process the dead letter data into D365 FO. For example, you can set a Production order 'On hold' when a dead letter is received on the export of a production order.

Monitor data received from Service Bus dead letter queue

Application Consultant

You can monitor the data that you receive from an Azure Service Bus dead letter queue.
Use the Received status to decide if any troubleshooting action is required.

The possible statuses are:
Status Description
New The data is received from the Service Bus dead letter queue. Based on the Service Bus search definitions, a message is assigned.
In process The data is now imported into D365 FO by the assigned message.
Finished The data import into D365 FO is finished successfully.
Error The data import into D365 FO is finished with errors.
Invalid The data is received from the Service Bus dead letter queue. But, based on the Service Bus search definitions, no message is assigned.

Set up Service Bus search definition

Application Consultant

You can use Service Bus search definitions to automatically assign Connectivity studio messages to received data records from a Service Bus.

Reassign message to data received from Service Bus dead letter queue

Application Consultant

If no message is assigned to data that you received from a Service Bus dead letter queue (Received status = Invalid), you must adjust or add Service Bus search definitions for dead letter data. If you have done so, you can retry to assign messages to the received dead letter data records without a message assigned.
On reassign, for all received dead letter data records without a message, a matching search definition is searched for. If a matching search definition is found:
  • The message and company, as defined for the search definition, are assigned to the received dead letter data record.
  • The received dead letter data record status is set to 'New'.
You can reassign messages:
  • Automatically
  • Manually

Process received dead letter data

Application Consultant

If a receiver reads a message from a Service Bus queue or topic subscription, an error can occur. If so, the Service Bus moves the message to the applicable dead letter queue.

You can receive the Service Bus dead letter queue data. When received, you can further process this data into D365 FO. For example, you can set a Production order 'On hold' when a dead letter is received on the export of a production order.

To further process the received dead letter data, run the messages as assigned to the received dead letter data records. You can run the messages in several ways, as desired. You can run a message by running a:

  • Project
  • Task
  • Message
Note: The assigned process messages must have the 'Service Bus queue' connector as source connector.

Monitor message history

Application Consultant

You can review and analyze the history of message runs that have run with errors. You can investigate these errors and take the appropriate actions to solve the errors. If the errors are solved, you can re-run the message run.

To monitor the message history, use the Connectivity studio integration operations workspace.


Reset status of date received from Service Bus dead letter queue

Application Consultant

To import data received from a Service Bus dead letter queue, you run import messages to read data from the 'Received dead letter data' table and import this data into D365 FO. If an import message run finishes with errors, the related received dead letter data record gets the status 'Error'. When you have finished troubleshooting the error, you can reset the received dead letter data record status.
You can reset the status:
  • At once for all received dead letter data records with the same message assigned. You can, for example do so if you have troubleshooted a message for which you have received several dead letter data records.
  • Manually for a specific received dead letter data record.
You can, for example, reset the status to:
  • 'New' if you want to run the import message again for the received dead letter data records.
  • 'Finished' if no import of the received dead letter data record is required.

See also

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