In the predefined generic staging journal 'BisStagingBufferOrderJournal', several statuses are used. These statuses are explained in this topic.

Journal status

The journal status indicates the status of the whole staging journal.

A staging journal can have these journal statuses:
Status Description
New The staging journal is not yet validated. Note: This status is only used if you have set up postponed validation.
Approved The applicable journal validations are met, warnings are accepted, or records with warnings are cancelled. The journal status is only set to Approved if the record errors and warnings are solved and if the status for the records is Approved, Accepted, or Cancelled.
Sent Only used if you use the staging journal for outbound messages as well.
Cancelled The staging journal is cancelled manually.
On hold The staging journal is manually put on hold. You do so, if you do not want it to be processed yet.
Rejected The applicable journal validations are not met. Errors or warnings are given for the records.

Message status

The message status indicates if the staging journal is processed to the applicable target.
A staging journal can have these message statuses:
Status Description
To be processed The initial status. Approved staging journals with this status are automatically processed. 
Processed The staging journal is processed, and the data is inserted in the applicable table.
Error Processing the staging journal resulted in errors and it is not processed.

Record status

The line status indicates the validation status of the staging journal line only.
A line can have these statuses: 
Status Description
New The record is not yet validated. Note: This status is only used if you have set up postponed validation.
Approved The applicable journal validations are met for the record.
Cancelled The record is cancelled manually.
Rejected The applicable journal validations are not met. Errors or warnings are given for the record.
Accepted Journal validation warnings are given for the record, but these are accepted manually. Note: If you have accepted warnings, you must manually approve the staging journal.


If journal validation errors are given, you have two options:
  • Solve the errors.
  • Cancel the staging journal or record.
You cannot accept journals or records with errors. If you do so, and approve the staging journal, the journal or record with errors is again set to Rejected.
If the errors are solved or records with errors are canceled, you can approve the staging journal.

See also

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