D365 FO supports custom services. With a custom service, you can call application logic in D365 FO from outside D365 FO.
For Connectivity studio, a custom service is available for web services: 'BisWsServiceCall' (in service group 'BisWsWebserviceOperation').
This custom service has these service operations:

Operation Description
executeOperation Runs an inbound web service.
executeOperationV2 The same as 'executeOperation, but with the additional argument 'companyId'.
Ping Tests the connection.

For these service operations, the arguments are:
Argument Description
ProjectId The identification of the project in Connectivity Studio.
WebServiceId The identification of the web service in Connectivity studio.
HttpMethod The applicable HTTP action. The HTTP action can be Get, Post, Create, Delete, Put, or Post or put.
UserName The name of the external web service user as defined in Connectivity studio.
Url The URL of the web service action is used to find the applicable argument values, if arguments are used.
Content The body content if the HTTP action is not Get.
companyId The applicable company ID in the D365 FO environment.
Note: This argument only applies to the 'executeOperationV2' operation. For the 'executeOperation' operation, the default company of the D365 FO user is used.


To call the webservice from outside D365 FO, use a URL like:

('Instancename' = Your D365 FO instance identification)
Make sure to call the custom service operation with the arguments. So, the call must include the value for each of the used arguments.
For more information on custom services, refer to:

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