To have a quick-start with the Connectivity studio setup or to get acquainted with Connectivity studio, you can use a tutorial project. This tutorial project has several pre-defined messages with related setup. The related setup includes, for example: project setup, a source and target connector, and source and target documents.

The tutorial project is available as resource: 'BisProject_TutorialConnectivity'. You can import the tutorial project from the resource.

The tutorial project contains several messages to import basic data. For example:


  • Customers
  • Vendors
  • Items


Tutorial project files

Related to the tutorial project, also a set of example files is available. You can use these files to run the messages in the tutorial project.

You can download the files here: Tutorial - Connectivity

Extract the files to a folder in your file system. Make sure, you define this folder as the working path for the 'Folder' connector.

Note: Also check the other folders as defined for the 'Folder' connector, like Archive path and Error path. Make sure, these folders exist in your file system. 



Name Responsible Description

Import project from resource

Application Consultant

Several project configurations are included as resources in the Connectivity studio release. If the Connectivity studio is deployed, you can import these project configurations from the resources.

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