You can set up alerts to notify the responsible persons when errors occurred during message runs or web service action runs.

You can send an alert in several ways:
Alert type Description
Email (Exchange server) Sends alerts using an Exchange server. In this case, define the domain, account, password, and sender email address.
D365 FO alert Sends alerts using the D365 FO alerts functionality. To get the alerts, the recipients must be logged in to D365 FO.
D365 FO email Sends alerts using the D365 FO Email parameters as defined in System administration. In this case, you must define the sender email address.
Business event

Sends alerts using the D365 FO Business events functionality. You can find the relevant business events in the Business events catalog. For more information on business events, refer to Business events overview.
If an error occurs when a subscribed:

  • Message is run, the 'BisHistoryBusinessEvent' business event is used.
  • Web service action is run, the 'BisWsHistoryBusinessEvent' business event is used.
SMTP server Sends alerts using an SMTP server. In this case, define the domain, port, secure socket option, account, password, and sender email address.


Standard procedure

1. Go to Connectivity studio > Setup > Base > Alert setup.
2. Click New.
3. In the Alert id field, type a value.
4. In the Description field, type a value.
5. Define how the alert is sent.
  In the Alert type field, select one of the options as explained in the introduction of this topic.
6. Define the text that is used as subject for the alert.
  In the Subject field, type a value.
7. Define the domain name of the Exchange server that is used to send the alert email.
  In the Domain name field, type a value.

Note: This field is only available if the Alert type is 'Email (Exchange server)' or 'SMTP server'.

8. Instead of the domain, you can use a direct URL to indicate the location from which the email with attached file is sent.
  In the Auto discover Url field, type a value.

Note: This field is only available if the Alert type is 'Email (Exchange server)'.

9. Define the port to be used for the SMTP server, as advised by the SMTP server provider.
  In the Port field, enter a number.

Note: This field is only available if the Alert type is 'SMTP server'.

10. Select the applicable secure socket option as advised by the SMTP server provider:
- None: No SSL or TLS encryption is used.
- Auto: Allow the IMAP mail service to decide which SSL or TLS options to use. If the server does not support SSL or TLS, the connection continues without encryption.
- SSLOnConnect: The connection uses SSL or TLS encryption immediately.
- STARTTLS: Uses the TLS encryption immediately after reading the greeting and capabilities of the server. If the server does not support the STARTTLS extension, the connection fails and a NotSupportedException message is given.
- STARTTLSWhenAvailable: The connection uses TLS encryption immediately after reading the greeting and capabilities of the server, but only if the server supports the STARTTLS extension.
  In the Secure socket Options field, select an option.

Note: This field is only available if the Alert type is 'SMTP server'.

11. Define the desired account name that is used to access the exchange server.
  In the Account name field, type a value.

Note: This field is only available if the Alert type is 'Email (Exchange server)' or 'SMTP server'.

12. Define the password that is used to access the exchange server account.
  In the Password field, type a value.

Note: This field is only available if the Alert type is 'Email (Exchange server)' or 'SMTP server'.

13. Define the email address from which the alert email is sent.
  In the Sender email field, type a value.

Note: This field is only available if the Alert type is 'Email (Exchange server)' or 'D365 FO email' or 'SMTP server'.

14. Sub-task: Define the body text for the alert.
  14.1 Expand the Body section.
  14.2 In the Body field, type a value.
  14.3 On creation of an alert, a default body text is entered. You can change this as desired.
The body text is expressed in HTML format.
  In the Body field, change the default body text as desired.

Note: The default body text depends on the alert type.
If the alert type is 'Business event', no body text is required.

15. Sub-task: Define who receives the alert.
  15.1 Expand the Recipients section.
  15.2 Click New.
  15.3 If the alert type is:
- 'Email (Exchange server)', 'D365 FO email', or 'SMTP server', enter the email addresses to which the alert email must be sent.
- 'D365 FO alert', enter or select the desired D365 FO users.
- 'Business event', do not enter recipients.
  In the Recipient field, enter or select a value.
16. Sub-task: Define to which messages or web service actions the alert applies.
  16.1 Expand the Subscriptions section.
  16.2 Define a message to which the alert applies.
  Click New.
  16.3 In the Message field, enter or select a value.

Note: For each subscription, you can only fill in one of the fields.

  16.4 Define a web service action to which the alert applies.
  Click New.
  16.5 In the Web service action field, enter or select a value.

Note: For each subscription, you can only fill in one of the fields.

17. Close the page.


If on the Business integration solutions parameters, on the History tab, the Skip alerts parameter is set to Yes, no alerts are sent.

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