You can use tasks to set up the execution of:

  • An integration or data migration. In this case, define the messages to be run by the task.
  • Outbound web services. In this case, define the outbound web service actions to be run by the task.
  • Batch classes. In this case, define the batch classes to be run by the task.
  • Master data management. In this case, define the master data entities to be run by the task.
  • Test cases. In this case, define messages with test cases for the task.
You can use task dependencies to run tasks sequentially or in parallel. If you run tasks in parallel, the performance increases.
You can run tasks:
  • By running a single task. Usually, you only do so for testing purposes.
  • By running the related project. All tasks of the project are run.

Application Consultant Application Consultant Start Start Create task Create task You can use tasks to set up the execution of:An integration or data migration.Outbound web services.Batch classes.Master data management. Procedure 1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design. 2. Click Tasks. 3. Click New. 4. In the Task field, type a value. 5. In the Project field, enter or select a value. 6. In the Action field, select an option. 7. You can indicate if the task is used to do a test run. If you select: - Yes, only the test cases, as defined for the task messages, are run. - No, the messages, as defined for the task, are run. Select Yes in the Run test case field. Note: This field is only applicable if messages are defined for the task. 8. Close the page. 9. Close the page. What must be  run by the task? What must be  run by the task? Add message to tasks Add message to tasks For each task, you can define several messages. If you run a task, all defined messages are run. Procedure 1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design. 2. Click Tasks. 3. In the list, find and select the desired task. 4. Expand the Messages section. 5. Click New. 6. In the Message field, enter or select a value. Note: - You can also click Select to add several messages in one go. - You can also add messages that belong to another project than the current task. 7. In the Target company ID field, enter or select a value. 8. In the Action field, select an option. 9. In the Run for delta field, select an option. 10. You can define a source connector for a task message. This source connector overrules the source connector of the message. In this way, you can use one message to: - Import data into D365 FO from several sources. - Export data from several D365 FO companies. So, no separate message is required for each of the sources. Example: Several sources provide item information to D365 FO. Each source places the data files in a separate storage. The file content structure is the same for each source. In this case, using different source connectors for task messages, you can import this item data into D365 FO with the same message. In the Source connector field, enter or select a value. Note: To apply a task message source connector: - For each source, enter a task message with the same message but a different source connector. - The source connector you define for the task message must match the type of the source connector of the message. If the message connector type is: - D365 FO -> D365 FO - Database -> Database - Staging journal -> Staging journal - Azure file storage, Azure Blob Storage, and SharePoint are interchangeable. - Connectors of type 'Web service' or 'Upload and download' are not supported. - The data structure of the different sources must be the same. 11. You can define a target connector for a task message. This target connector overrules the target connector of the message. In this way, you can use one message to: - Export data from D365 FO to several targets. - Import data to several D365 FO companies. So, no separate message is required for each of the targets. Example: D365 FO provides item information to several targets. For each target, the data files are placed in a separate storage. The file content structure is the same for each target. In this case, using different target connectors for task messages, you can export this item data from D365 FO with the same message. In the Target connector field, enter or select a value. Note: To apply a task message target connector: - For each target, enter a task message with the same message but a different target connector. - The target connector you define for the task message must the match type of the target connector of the message. If the message connector type is: - D365 FO -> D365 FO - Database -> Database - Staging journal -> Staging journal - Azure file storage, Azure Blob Storage, and SharePoint are interchangeable. - Connectors of type 'Web service' or 'Upload and download' are not supported. - The data structure of the different targets must be the same. 12. Close the page. 13. Close the page. Add web service action to task Add web service action to task For each task, you can define several outbound web service actions. If you run a task, all defined outbound web service actions are run. Procedure 1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design. 2. Click Tasks. 3. In the list, find and select the desired task. 4. Expand the Web service section. 5. Click New. 6. In the Web service action field, enter or select an outbound web service action. 7. In the Target company ID field, enter or select a value. 8. In the Action field, select an option. 9. Close the page. 10. Close the page. Add batch class to task Add batch class to task For each task, you can define several (custom) batch classes. If you run a task, all defined batch classes are run. Procedure 1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design. 2. Click Tasks. 3. In the list, find and select the desired task. 4. Expand the Batch classes section. 5. Click New. 6. In the Class name field, enter or select a batch class. 7. In the Task description field, type a value. 8. In the Target company ID field, enter or select a value. 9. In the Action field, select an option. 10. Sub-task: Set batch class parameters. 11. Click Parameter. 12. Click OK. 13. Close the page. 14. Close the page. Add master data entity to task Add master data entity to task For each task, you can define several master data entities. If you run a task, all defined master data entities are run.For more information on master data entities, refer to Master data management studio. Procedure 1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design. 2. Click Tasks. 3. In the list, find and select the desired task. 4. Expand the Master data entity section. 5. Click New. 6. In the Master data type id field, enter or select a value. 7. In the Action field, select an option. 8. Close the page. 9. Close the page. Notes You only can add master data entities to a task if Master data management is active in your environment. Does the task depend  on other tasks? Does the task depend  on other tasks? Define task dependencies Define task dependencies   If a task depends on one or more other tasks, define the dependencies. So, the task is not done before the other tasks are done. The dependencies are only taken into account if you run a project. You can use task dependencies to schedule data import or export in batch. The main reasons to use task dependencies are: Sequence of data: For data migrations or in complex integration scenarios, often it is required that data is imported in a specific sequence. Performance: Tasks that are scheduled at the same level, can be processed in parallel. This improves the performance of the data import or export. Also, the messages, as defined for a task, are run in parallel. Before you set up the task dependencies, define data levels for the data to be imported or exported. You can do so, for example, in Microsoft Excel. For each data level, you can set up one or more tasks. To define the level of a task, add a dependency to a task of the applicable previous level. As a result, the task level is automatically assigned. For example, if you add a dependency to a level '2' task, automatically, level '3' is assigned to the current task. To each task, assign the messages that process the data for the task. You can group messages in tasks as desired. The next picture gives an example of a data migration project. The project is run using the defined task dependencies. As a result, the data is migrated in the required sequence and with a better performance. Example: A sales order can only be imported if the related customer and item are already available. So, the customer and item must be imported first. In the previous picture, the customer is imported in level 2 and the item in level 3. This is done before the sales order header is imported in level 4 and the sales order line in level 5. Procedure 1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design. 2. Click Tasks. 3. In the list, find and select the desired task. 4. Expand the Dependencies section. 5. Click New. 6. In the Dependent on task field, enter or select a task. Note: You can only add tasks that belong to the same project as the current task. 7. In the Expected status field, select an option. 8. Close the page. 9. Close the page. End End Message Web service  action Batch class Master data  entity Yes No


Name Responsible Description

Create task

Application Consultant

You can use tasks to set up the execution of:
  • An integration or data migration.
  • Outbound web services.
  • Batch classes.
  • Master data management.

Add message to tasks

Application Consultant

For each task, you can define several messages. If you run a task, all defined messages are run.

Add web service action to task

Application Consultant

For each task, you can define several outbound web service actions. If you run a task, all defined outbound web service actions are run.

Add batch class to task

Application Consultant

For each task, you can define several (custom) batch classes. If you run a task, all defined batch classes are run.

Add master data entity to task

Application Consultant

For each task, you can define several master data entities. If you run a task, all defined master data entities are run.

For more information on master data entities, refer to Master data management studio.

Define task dependencies

Application Consultant

If a task depends on one or more other tasks, define the dependencies. So, the task is not done before the other tasks are done. The dependencies are only taken into account if you run a project.
You can use task dependencies to schedule data import or export in batch. The main reasons to use task dependencies are:
  • Sequence of data: For data migrations or in complex integration scenarios, often it is required that data is imported in a specific sequence.
  • Performance: Tasks that are scheduled at the same level, can be processed in parallel. This improves the performance of the data import or export. Also, the messages, as defined for a task, are run in parallel.
Before you set up the task dependencies, define data levels for the data to be imported or exported. You can do so, for example, in Microsoft Excel.
For each data level, you can set up one or more tasks.
To define the level of a task, add a dependency to a task of the applicable previous level. As a result, the task level is automatically assigned. For example, if you add a dependency to a level '2' task, automatically, level '3' is assigned to the current task.
To each task, assign the messages that process the data for the task. You can group messages in tasks as desired.
The next picture gives an example of a data migration project. The project is run using the defined task dependencies. As a result, the data is migrated in the required sequence and with a better performance.
Example: A sales order can only be imported if the related customer and item are already available. So, the customer and item must be imported first. In the previous picture, the customer is imported in level 2 and the item in level 3. This is done before the sales order header is imported in level 4 and the sales order line in level 5.

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