For each field mapping, you can define several advanced settings. You can set up:
  • Conditions
  • Type conversions
  • Transformations
  • Options
  • Company-specific field mapping
Note: A field mapping without any advanced settings gives a better performance. So, the more advanced settings, the more time it takes to execute the field mapping.

Application Consultant Application Consultant Start Start What type of condition  must be applied? What type of condition  must be applied? Set up field mapping condition Set up field mapping condition Sometimes, you want to skip a field mapping when running a message. You can use conditions to indicate if the field mapping must be applied. The field mapping is only applied if the conditions are met. You can set up several conditions for each field mapping.Examples of values that you can use to define a condition:..Item1 - Item1 and smallerItem1.. - Item1 and greaterItem1,item5..item10 - Item1 or item5 till item10Item1,item2 - Item1 or item2!123 - Not 123“” - Empty!”” - Not emptycurExt() - Used to apply a condition with the current company Procedure 1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design. 2. On the Message tab, in the list, find and select the desired message. 3. Click Edit. 4. In the Mapping section, in the Target record list, find and select the desired record. 5. On the Mapping tab, on the Field mapping tab, in the list, find and select the desired field mapping. 6. In the Use condition field, select 'Yes'. 7. Click the Field condition tab. 8. In the Record origin field, select an option. 9. In the Source field, enter or select a value. 10. In the Field field, enter or select a value. 11. In the Value field, type a value. 12. Sub-task: Set additional conditions. 13. Click New. 14. In the Record origin field, select an option. 15. In the Record field, enter or select a value. 16. In the Record field field, enter or select a value. 17. In the Value field, type a value. 18. Close the page. Notes Applying conditions can influence the message performance. So, only apply a condition if required and keep it as simple as possible. Set up field mapping condition using an expression Set up field mapping condition using an expression Sometimes, you want to skip a field mapping when running a message. You can use a condition that is defined as an expression to indicate if the field mapping must be applied. The field mapping is only applied if the expression condition is met.You define an expression with self-defined variables. Variables must be linked to fields from the source document or the target document.Example:Expression: Value1>Value2Condition value: IF(Value1>Value2, true, false)Variables:Value1 is linked to SalesPrice field of the SalesLine source record.Value2 is linked to LineAmount field of the SalesLine source record.The field mapping is only applied if the sales price is higher than the line amount. Procedure 1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design. 2. On the Message tab, in the list, find and select the desired message. 3. Click Edit. 4. In the Mapping section, in the Target record list, find and select the desired record. 5. On the Mapping tab, on the Field mapping tab, in the list, find and select the desired field mapping. 6. In the Use condition field, select 'Expression'. 7. Click the Field condition tab. 8. In the Expression field, enter the expression, using variables. 9. Select Yes in the Invert condition field. 10. Sub-task: Define variables. 11. Click New. 12. In the Variable field, type exactly the variable name as used in the expression. 13. In the Record origin field, select an option. 14. In the Record field, enter or select a value. 15. Define the document record field to which the variable is linked. In the Record field field, enter or select a value. Note: The field type, as defined for the document record field, is shown as well. 16. In the Variable type field, select an option. 17. In the Language field, type a value. 18. Close the page. Notes Applying expression conditions can influence the message performance. So, only apply an expression condition if required and keep it as simple as possible. Use type conversions  or transformations? Use type conversions  or transformations? Define type conversion

Define type conversion

You can use a type conversion to convert the data to match the format as required in the target. With a type conversion, you can convert values from any type to string or from string to any type. Usually, the string value is the external value. Note: Type conversions from any type to any type are not supported. For example, a conversion of type integer to type date is not possible.

You can use these conversion types:

Conversion type Description
Text Define the format in which a text is imported or exported. You can, for example, replace or remove characters, or use one element of the text.
Amount Define the format in which an amount is imported or exported. You can, for example, define separators and unit conversion.
Date Define the format in which a date is imported or exported. You can, for example, define the sequence and separator.
Enum Define the format in which an enum value is imported or exported. You can, for example, define that the enum value is imported or exported as text.
Time Define the format in which times are imported or exported. You can define the format and the separators to be used.
UtcDateTime Define in which format a date and time field value is imported or exported. This type combines the Date and Time types.
Date/time format Define in a flexible way the format in which a date and time field value is imported or exported. You can also include a time zone. Note: The format is case sensitive. For example, the lowercase 'm' is the identifier for minute, and the uppercase 'M' is the identifier for month. Example: dd-MM-yyyy. For more information on how to set up the date/time format, refer to Custom date and time format settings.



Define transformation

Define transformation

You can use a transformation to change a source value into another value.

Are field options required? Are field options required? Define field options

Define field options

For each field mapping, you can set additional field options. Each field option has specific properties. If you select a field option, also fill in the related properties.

Is company-specific  field mapping required? Is company-specific  field mapping required? Set up company-specific field mapping Set up company-specific field mapping You can set up company-specific mapping on field mapping level. You can use company-specific mapping to set a field value:Other than the source value for the field. To do so, define a constant, dimension, or number sequence.If no source value is available for the field. To do so, define the default value.You can view the applicable company-specific mapping for a:Message: On the ActionPane, on the Design tab, in the Message mapping group, click Company-specific mapping. All company-specific mappings for the message are shown.Record mapping: In the Mapping section, select a record mapping, and click Company-specific mapping. All company-specific mappings for the selected record mapping are shown. Procedure 1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design. 2. On the Message tab, in the list, find and select the desired message. 3. Click Edit. 4. In the Mapping section, in the Target record pane, in the list, find and select the desired record mapping. 5. On the Field mapping tab, in the list, find and select the desired field mapping. 6. Select the Company specific mapping check box. 7. Click Company specific mapping. 8. Click Insert. 9. In the Company accounts ID field, enter or select the company for which you want to set up specific mapping. 10. You can define a constant value for the field. In the defined company, the target field always gets this value. In the Constant value field, enter or select a value. Note: You can only define a constant value if, on the field mapping, the Constant check box is selected. 11. In the Default value field, enter or select a value. 12. You can define a dimension for the field. In the defined company, the target field always gets this dimension. In the Dimension name field, enter or select a value. Note: You can only define a dimension if, on the field mapping, the Dimension set check box is selected. 13. You can define a number sequence for the field. In the defined company, the target field always gets the next number as defined by the number sequence. In the Number sequence field, enter or select a value. Note: You can only define a number sequence if, on the field mapping, the Number sequence check box is selected. End End Condition Expression No Type  conversion Transformation No Yes No Yes No


Name Responsible Description

Set up field mapping condition

Application Consultant

Sometimes, you want to skip a field mapping when running a message. You can use conditions to indicate if the field mapping must be applied. The field mapping is only applied if the conditions are met. You can set up several conditions for each field mapping.
Examples of values that you can use to define a condition:
  • ..Item1 - Item1 and smaller
  • Item1.. - Item1 and greater
  • Item1,item5..item10 - Item1 or item5 till item10
  • Item1,item2 - Item1 or item2
  • !123 - Not 123
  • “” - Empty
  • !”” - Not empty
  • curExt() - Used to apply a condition with the current company

Set up field mapping condition using an expression

Application Consultant

Sometimes, you want to skip a field mapping when running a message. You can use a condition that is defined as an expression to indicate if the field mapping must be applied. The field mapping is only applied if the expression condition is met.
You define an expression with self-defined variables. Variables must be linked to fields from the source document or the target document.
Expression: Value1>Value2Condition value: IF(Value1>Value2, true, false)Variables:
  • Value1 is linked to SalesPrice field of the SalesLine source record.
  • Value2 is linked to LineAmount field of the SalesLine source record.
The field mapping is only applied if the sales price is higher than the line amount.

Define type conversion

Application Consultant

You can use a type conversion to convert the data to match the format as required in the target. With a type conversion, you can convert values from any type to string or from string to any type. Usually, the string value is the external value. Note: Type conversions from any type to any type are not supported. For example, a conversion of type integer to type date is not possible.

You can use these conversion types:

Conversion type Description
Text Define the format in which a text is imported or exported. You can, for example, replace or remove characters, or use one element of the text.
Amount Define the format in which an amount is imported or exported. You can, for example, define separators and unit conversion.
Date Define the format in which a date is imported or exported. You can, for example, define the sequence and separator.
Enum Define the format in which an enum value is imported or exported. You can, for example, define that the enum value is imported or exported as text.
Time Define the format in which times are imported or exported. You can define the format and the separators to be used.
UtcDateTime Define in which format a date and time field value is imported or exported. This type combines the Date and Time types.
Date/time format Define in a flexible way the format in which a date and time field value is imported or exported. You can also include a time zone. Note: The format is case sensitive. For example, the lowercase 'm' is the identifier for minute, and the uppercase 'M' is the identifier for month. Example: dd-MM-yyyy. For more information on how to set up the date/time format, refer to Custom date and time format settings.



Define transformation

Application Consultant

You can use a transformation to change a source value into another value.

Define field options

Application Consultant

For each field mapping, you can set additional field options. Each field option has specific properties. If you select a field option, also fill in the related properties.

Set up company-specific field mapping

Application Consultant

You can set up company-specific mapping on field mapping level. 
You can use company-specific mapping to set a field value:
  • Other than the source value for the field. To do so, define a constant, dimension, or number sequence.
  • If no source value is available for the field. To do so, define the default value.
You can view the applicable company-specific mapping for a:
  • Message: On the ActionPane, on the Design tab, in the Message mapping group, click Company-specific mapping. All company-specific mappings for the message are shown.
  • Record mapping: In the Mapping section, select a record mapping, and click Company-specific mapping. All company-specific mappings for the selected record mapping are shown.

Define type conversion

Define transformation

Define field options

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