Data Management
Connectivity Studio
Set up documents
Set up external documents - File based
Set up EDI document
You can use an EDI type to indicate which EDI standard is used. For example, EDIFACT or ANSI X12. This is used for informational purposes only.
For each EDI type, you can set up qualifiers for an EDI segment.
Application Consultant
Application Consultant
Set up EDI type
Set up EDI type
You can use an EDI type to indicate which EDI standard is used. For example, EDIFACT or ANSI X12. This is used for informational purposes only.
1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design.
2. Click EDI types.
3. Click New.
4. In the EDI type field, type a value.
5. In the Description field, type a value.
6. Close the page.
Qualifiers required?
Qualifiers required?
Set up qualifiers
Set up qualifiers
For each EDI type, you can set up qualifiers for an EDI segment. A common segment for which qualifiers are used is the address (NAD) segment. You can have different addresses in the same segment, for example, delivery address and invoice address. Use a qualifier to distinguish these addresses in the EDI file.Example:Set up the 3035 (party function code) qualifier for the NAD (name and address) segment with these values:DP; Delivery party; Party to which goods must be delivered.IV; Invoicee; Party to whom an invoice is issued.
1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design.
2. Click Qualifiers.
3. Click New.
4. In the EDI type field, enter or select a value.
5. In the Qualifier field, type a value.
6. In the Description field, type a value.
7. In the Text field, type a value.
8. Sub-task: Create qualifiers.
9. Click New.
10. In the Value field, type a value.
11. In the Description field, type a value.
12. In the Text field, type a value.
13. Close the page.
Set up EDI type
Application Consultant
You can use an EDI type to indicate which EDI standard is used. For example, EDIFACT or ANSI X12. This is used for informational purposes only.
Set up qualifiers
Application Consultant
For each EDI type, you can set up qualifiers for an EDI segment. A common segment for which qualifiers are used is the address (NAD) segment. You can have different addresses in the same segment, for example, delivery address and invoice address. Use a qualifier to distinguish these addresses in the EDI file.Example: Set up the 3035 (party function code) qualifier for the NAD (name and address) segment with these values:DP; Delivery party; Party to which goods must be delivered. IV; Invoicee; Party to whom an invoice is issued.