Use a connector to set up a connection to a data source. A connector defines the type of connection and how to connect to the relevant data source. You can use a connector for both incoming and outgoing messages.

You can use these connector types:

Connector type Description
D365 FO Directly connects to a D365 FO database.
Database Connects to an external database via ODBC or to an external Azure SQL database.
Staging journal Uses a staging table validate and approve data before it is imported into D365 FO.
Azure file storage Exchanges data files using Azure file storage or Windows folders as file storage.
Web service Exchanges data via a web service using a stream.
Blob storage Exchanges data files using an Azure Blob storage.
Upload and download Uploads or downloads a data file.
SharePoint Exchanges data files using SharePoint as file storage.
Service Bus queue Exchanges data using an Azure Service Bus queue or topic subscription.
ECS Azure file storage Connects to your Azure file storage location to create the Environment comparison studio folders in the applicable share. 


If you want to export D365 FO data into a file, you need these connectors:

  • On the source site, a connector of type D365 FO.
  • On the target site, a connector of type Azure file storage.

Application Consultant Application Consultant Start Start Set up D365 FO connector Set up D365 FO connector Set up a connector of type D365 FO. Use this type to directly connect to a D365 FO database. Procedure 1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design. 2. Click the Connectors tab. 3. Click New. 4. In the Connector field, type a value. Note: You are advised to not include, in the connector name, the name of the application to which you connect. Use the Application field to define the applicable application for the connector. 5. In the Project field, enter or select a value. 6. Define the applicable application for the connector. For a D365 FO connector, for example, select a 'D376 FO' application. In the Application field, enter or select a value. Note: - You can only select an application that is defined for the applicable project. You can define project applications on the Projects page. - You can type any existing application name, whether it is defined as project application or not. If the typed application is not defined as project application, it is automatically added to the project applications. 7. Make sure, the Connector type is D365 FO. 8. Sub-task: Set properties. 9. On the Properties tab, in the Target company field, enter or select a value. 10. You can use a template company as source company. If you run a message, the data is exported from the template company and imported in the target company. In a template company, you can, for example, define generally applicable master data. You can use this to set up the master data for a new company. To be able to use a template company, in the Connectivity studio parameters, define the template company for each target company. You can define several template companies. For example, with country-specific or industry-specific data. Select Yes in the Template company field. Note: Do not define source companies if you want to use a template company. 11. Sub-task: Select custom handler. 12. Expand the Custom section. 13. In the Handler field, you can enter or select a custom handler class. 14. Sub-task: Define source companies. 15. Define the source companies for the connector. You can define the source company for a connector in these ways: - One specific source company. - Several source companies. - No source company: Do not define a source company if you want to use the active company as the source company. As a result, the company from which a message is run is used as the source company. Expand the Source companies section. Note: Do not define source companies if you want to use a template company. 16. Click New. 17. In the Company accounts ID field, enter or select a value. 18. Sub-task: Define target companies. 19. You can define several target companies for the connector. Only use this to import simple single-level master data. For example, to initialize a company. Expand the Target companies section. Note: - You can use the target companies here in combination with the target company as defined on the Properties tab. - If import of a record fails in one company, the import of the records is undone in all defined target companies. 20. Click New. 21. In the Company accounts ID field, enter or select a value. 22. Sub-task: Set advanced options. 23. Expand the Advanced options section. 24. Select Yes in the Cross company disabled field. 25. Close the page. Notes You can change the type of an existing connector. If you do so, also fill in the applicable fields. For more information, refer to the topic about the setup of the newly chosen connector type.The environment type does not apply to a D365 FO connector. Set up Staging journal connector Set up Staging journal connector Set up a connector of type Staging journal. Use this type to validate and approve data before it is imported into D365 FO.A staging journal scenario consists of:A message to import the data from the source into the staging journal. This message has a target document of type Staging and a target connector of type Staging journal.A staging journal which is an additional table in which the data is validated and approved before the data is imported into D365 FO.A message to get the approved data from the staging journal and import it into D365 FO. This message has a source document of type Staging and a source connector of type Staging journal. Procedure 1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design. 2. Click the Connectors tab. 3. Click New. 4. In the Connector field, type a value. Note: You are advised to not include, in the connector name, the name of the application to which you connect. Use the Application field to define the applicable application for the connector. 5. In the Project field, enter or select a value. 6. Define the applicable application for the connector. For a staging journal connector, for example, select a 'Staging' or 'D376 FO' application. In the Application field, enter or select a value. Note: - You can only select an application that is defined for the applicable project. You can define project applications on the Projects page. - You can type any existing application name, whether it is defined as project application or not. If the typed application is not defined as project application, it is automatically added to the project applications. 7. In the Connector type field, select 'Staging journal'. 8. Sub-task: Set properties. 9. In the Target company field, enter or select a value. 10. Select Yes in the Company only field. 11. Sub-task: Select custom handler. 12. Expand the Custom section. 13. In the Handler field, you can enter or select a custom handler class. 14. Sub-task: Define source companies. 15. Expand the Source companies section. 16. Click New. 17. In the Company accounts ID field, enter or select a value. 18. Sub-task: Set advanced options. 19. Expand the Advanced options section. 20. Select Yes in the Cross company disabled field. 21. Close the page. Notes You can change the type of an existing connector. If you do so, also fill in the applicable fields. For more information, refer to the topic about the setup of the newly chosen connector type.The environment type does not apply to a Staging journal connector. Set up ODBC connector

Set up Database connector

Set up a connector of type Database. Use this type to directly connect to an external database. This external database can be an on-premises database or a cloud database.
If you want to connect to an external database via ODBC and you run D365 FO:

  • In the cloud, use an Azure Service Bus to connect to the external database.
  • On-premises, you can connect to the external database without an Azure Service Bus. 
  • On-premises, you can also connect without an Azure Service Bus and additionally use Direct SQL to export data to the external database.

You can also directly connect to an Azure SQL database.


Set up Azure file storage connector

Set up Azure file storage connector

Set up a connector of type Azure file storage. Use this type to exchange data files between your D365 FO environment (on-cloud or on-premises) and another environment, for example an on-premises environment.

With the Azure file storage type connector, you can exchange these external file-based documents: EDI, Fixed text, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Text, XML, JSON.

You can exchange data files using:

  • Azure File Storage: You can use an Azure Storage Account to exchange data files between your D365 FO environment (on-cloud or on-premises) and another environment, for example an on-premises environment.
  • Local folders: If you use Connectivity studio on a D365 FO (on-premises) environment, you can choose to use local Windows folders to exchange data files.

Set up Web service connector Set up Web service connector Set up a connector of type Web service. Use this type to exchange data via a web service using a stream. If you: Import data, the web service adds its data to a stream. From this stream, the data is imported into D365 FO. Export data, the data is exported from D365 FO and added to a stream. The web service takes the data from this stream and processes it. The related document defines which data is added to or taken from a stream and in which format and structure. So, the document does not result in a file. With the Web service type connector, you can use these external file-based documents: EDI, Fixed text, Text, XML, JSON. You can only use this connector in combination with a document for which the version 3 (V3) handler class is selected.   Procedure 1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design. 2. Click the Connectors tab. 3. Click New. 4. In the Connector field, type a value. Note: You are advised to not include, in the connector name, the name of the application to which you connect. Use the Application field to define the applicable application for the connector. 5. In the Project field, enter or select a value. 6. Define the applicable application for the connector. For a web service connector, for example, select a 'Web service' application. In the Application field, enter or select a value. Note: - You can only select an application that is defined for the applicable project. You can define project applications on the Projects page. - You can type any existing application name, whether it is defined as project application or not. If the typed application is not defined as project application, it is automatically added to the project applications. 7. In the Connector type field, select 'Web service'. 8. Sub-task: Select custom handler. 9. Expand the Custom section. 10. In the Handler field, you can enter or select a custom handler class. 11. Sub-task: Set advanced options. 12. Expand the Advanced options section. 13. Select Yes in the Cross company disabled field. 14. Close the page. Notes You can test the connection. To do so, on the Connectors page, in the Action Pane, on the Development tab, click Test connection. If you use a Web service connector as source or target connector on a message, make sure the related source or target document uses the 'V3' handler version. The environment type does not apply to a Web service connector. Set up Blob storage connector

Set up Blob storage connector

Set up a connector of type Blob storage to exchange data files between your D365 FO environment and another environment, using Azure Blob storage. Azure Blob storage is Microsoft's object storage solution for the cloud. Blob storage is optimized for storing massive amounts of unstructured data.

With the Blob storage type connector, you can exchange these external file-based documents: EDI, Fixed text, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Text, XML, JSON.

Set up Upload and download connector Set up Upload and download connector Set up a connector of type Upload and download. Use this type to: Upload files: On the message, select the connector as source connector. On running the message, you can manually select and upload a file from a folder and import its contents. Download files: On the message, select the connector as target connector. On running the message, a file is created and downloaded to your local downloads folder. With the Upload and download type connector, you can upload or download these external file-based documents: EDI, Fixed text, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Text, XML, JSON. You can only use this connector in combination with a document for which the version 3 (V3) handler class is selected. Procedure 1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design. 2. Click the Connectors tab. 3. Click New. 4. In the Connector field, type a value. Note: You are advised to not include, in the connector name, the name of the application to which you connect. Use the Application field to define the applicable application for the connector. 5. In the Project field, enter or select a value. 6. Define the applicable application for the connector. For a staging journal connector, for example, select a 'Windows folder' or 'Files' application. In the Application field, enter or select a value. Note: - You can only select an application that is defined for the applicable project. You can define project applications on the Projects page. - You can type any existing application name, whether it is defined as project application or not. If the typed application is not defined as project application, it is automatically added to the project applications. 7. In the Connector type field, select 'Upload and download'. 8. Sub-task: Select custom handler. 9. Expand the Custom section. 10. In the Handler field, you can enter or select a custom handler class. 11. Sub-task: Set advanced options. 12. Expand the Advanced options section. 13. Select Yes in the Cross company disabled field. 14. Close the page. Notes If you use an Upload and download connector as source or target connector on a message, make sure the related source or target document uses the 'V3' handler version. The environment type does not apply to an Upload and download connector. End End Validate connectivity setup

Validate connectivity setup

If you open a form or save (changes to) the setup of a key element in Connectivity studio, the setup is validated automatically. If errors are found in the setup, an error icon   is shown. You can click the icon to show the related error messages.

You can also manually start an automated test to check for errors in the setup. As a result, the found errors are shown. Also, the error icons are shown where applicable.
When errors are found, you can try to fix these errors automatically.
You can check and auto-fix errors for these key elements in Connectivity studio:
Key element Check
Projects When automatically checked, only the project setup is checked, and not the related setup like messages and connectors. When started manually, the full project setup is checked.
Documents The document setup is checked, including the document records setup.
Document records Only the document records setup is checked.
Messages The message setup is checked, including the data synchronization setup and message mapping.
Message - Data synchronization setup Only the data synchronization setup is checked.
Message mapping Only the message mapping is checked.
Message business events A check is done if a business event is created for the message business event. Also, a check is done if the target fields and source fields match with the related document setup.
Connectors Only the connector setup is checked.
Web services The web service setup is checked, including the data synchronization setup.
Web service - Data synchronization setup Only the data synchronization setup is checked.

In this flow, in the activity steps, as an example, the validation is done for documents.

Set up SharePoint connector

Set up SharePoint connector

Set up a connector of type SharePoint to exchange data files between your D365 FO environment and another environment, using SharePoint. SharePoint is a solution to share and manage content, knowledge, and applications to empower teamwork, quickly find information, and seamlessly collaborate across the organization.

With the SharePoint type connector, you can exchange these external file-based documents: EDI, Fixed text, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Text, XML, JSON.

Set up Service Bus queue connector

Set up Service Bus queue connector

Set up a connector of type 'Service Bus queue' to exchange information via an Azure Service bus queue or topic.

The 'Service Bus queue' connector supports these Service Bus entities:

  • Queue: Queues provide First In, First Out (FIFO) message delivery to one or more competing consumers. That is, receivers typically receive and process messages in the order in which they were added to the queue. And only one message consumer receives and processes each message.
  • Topic and subscriptions: Topics and subscriptions provide a one-to-many form of communication in a publish and subscribe pattern. It's useful for scaling to large numbers of recipients. Each published message is made available to each subscription registered with the topic. Publisher sends a message to a topic and one or more subscribers receive a copy of the message, depending on filter rules set on these subscriptions.
For more information, refer to Service Bus queues, topics, and subscriptions.


Name Responsible Description

Set up D365 FO connector

Application Consultant

Set up a connector of type D365 FO. Use this type to directly connect to a D365 FO database.

Set up Staging journal connector

Application Consultant

Set up a connector of type Staging journal. Use this type to validate and approve data before it is imported into D365 FO.

A staging journal scenario consists of:

  • A message to import the data from the source into the staging journal. This message has a target document of type Staging and a target connector of type Staging journal.
  • A staging journal which is an additional table in which the data is validated and approved before the data is imported into D365 FO.
  • A message to get the approved data from the staging journal and import it into D365 FO. This message has a source document of type Staging and a source connector of type Staging journal.

Set up ODBC connector

Application Consultant

Set up a connector of type Database. Use this type to directly connect to an external database. This external database can be an on-premises database or a cloud database.
If you want to connect to an external database via ODBC and you run D365 FO:

  • In the cloud, use an Azure Service Bus to connect to the external database.
  • On-premises, you can connect to the external database without an Azure Service Bus. 
  • On-premises, you can also connect without an Azure Service Bus and additionally use Direct SQL to export data to the external database.

You can also directly connect to an Azure SQL database.


Set up Azure file storage connector

Application Consultant

Set up a connector of type Azure file storage. Use this type to exchange data files between your D365 FO environment (on-cloud or on-premises) and another environment, for example an on-premises environment.

With the Azure file storage type connector, you can exchange these external file-based documents: EDI, Fixed text, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Text, XML, JSON.

You can exchange data files using:

  • Azure File Storage: You can use an Azure Storage Account to exchange data files between your D365 FO environment (on-cloud or on-premises) and another environment, for example an on-premises environment.
  • Local folders: If you use Connectivity studio on a D365 FO (on-premises) environment, you can choose to use local Windows folders to exchange data files.

Set up Web service connector

Application Consultant

Set up a connector of type Web service. Use this type to exchange data via a web service using a stream.

If you:

  • Import data, the web service adds its data to a stream. From this stream, the data is imported into D365 FO.
  • Export data, the data is exported from D365 FO and added to a stream. The web service takes the data from this stream and processes it.

The related document defines which data is added to or taken from a stream and in which format and structure. So, the document does not result in a file.

With the Web service type connector, you can use these external file-based documents: EDI, Fixed text, Text, XML, JSON. You can only use this connector in combination with a document for which the version 3 (V3) handler class is selected.


Set up Blob storage connector

Application Consultant

Set up a connector of type Blob storage to exchange data files between your D365 FO environment and another environment, using Azure Blob storage. Azure Blob storage is Microsoft's object storage solution for the cloud. Blob storage is optimized for storing massive amounts of unstructured data.

With the Blob storage type connector, you can exchange these external file-based documents: EDI, Fixed text, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Text, XML, JSON.

Set up Upload and download connector

Application Consultant

Set up a connector of type Upload and download. Use this type to:

  • Upload files: On the message, select the connector as source connector. On running the message, you can manually select and upload a file from a folder and import its contents.
  • Download files: On the message, select the connector as target connector. On running the message, a file is created and downloaded to your local downloads folder.

With the Upload and download type connector, you can upload or download these external file-based documents: EDI, Fixed text, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Text, XML, JSON. You can only use this connector in combination with a document for which the version 3 (V3) handler class is selected.

Validate connectivity setup

Application Consultant

If you open a form or save (changes to) the setup of a key element in Connectivity studio, the setup is validated automatically. If errors are found in the setup, an error icon   is shown. You can click the icon to show the related error messages.

You can also manually start an automated test to check for errors in the setup. As a result, the found errors are shown. Also, the error icons are shown where applicable.
When errors are found, you can try to fix these errors automatically.
You can check and auto-fix errors for these key elements in Connectivity studio:
Key element Check
Projects When automatically checked, only the project setup is checked, and not the related setup like messages and connectors. When started manually, the full project setup is checked.
Documents The document setup is checked, including the document records setup.
Document records Only the document records setup is checked.
Messages The message setup is checked, including the data synchronization setup and message mapping.
Message - Data synchronization setup Only the data synchronization setup is checked.
Message mapping Only the message mapping is checked.
Message business events A check is done if a business event is created for the message business event. Also, a check is done if the target fields and source fields match with the related document setup.
Connectors Only the connector setup is checked.
Web services The web service setup is checked, including the data synchronization setup.
Web service - Data synchronization setup Only the data synchronization setup is checked.

In this flow, in the activity steps, as an example, the validation is done for documents.

Set up SharePoint connector

Application Consultant

Set up a connector of type SharePoint to exchange data files between your D365 FO environment and another environment, using SharePoint. SharePoint is a solution to share and manage content, knowledge, and applications to empower teamwork, quickly find information, and seamlessly collaborate across the organization.

With the SharePoint type connector, you can exchange these external file-based documents: EDI, Fixed text, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Text, XML, JSON.

Set up Service Bus queue connector

Application Consultant

Set up a connector of type 'Service Bus queue' to exchange information via an Azure Service bus queue or topic.

The 'Service Bus queue' connector supports these Service Bus entities:

  • Queue: Queues provide First In, First Out (FIFO) message delivery to one or more competing consumers. That is, receivers typically receive and process messages in the order in which they were added to the queue. And only one message consumer receives and processes each message.
  • Topic and subscriptions: Topics and subscriptions provide a one-to-many form of communication in a publish and subscribe pattern. It's useful for scaling to large numbers of recipients. Each published message is made available to each subscription registered with the topic. Publisher sends a message to a topic and one or more subscribers receive a copy of the message, depending on filter rules set on these subscriptions.
For more information, refer to Service Bus queues, topics, and subscriptions.

Set up D365 FO connector

Set up Database connector

Set up Staging journal connector

Set up Azure file storage connector

Set up Web service connector

Set up Blob storage connector

Set up Upload and download connector

Set up SharePoint connector

Set up Service Bus queue connector

Set up Environment comparison studio connector

Validate connectivity setup

Provide feedback