Use a project as the basis for each integration. Most connectivity elements are linked to a project, for example, documents, connectors, and tasks. Because these elements are related to a project, you can also use a project to deploy connectivity setup and do version management.

For each project, you can also define the:
  • Subprojects that are run if you run the project.
  • Applications that are used in the project.
  • Default connectors.
  • Web service applications.

Application Consultant Application Consultant Start Start Create project Create project Use a project as the basis for each integration.For each project, you can also define the subprojects. You can use the subproject functionality to run multiple projects at once. The subprojects are run after you run the project. You can, for example, use subprojects for data migration. In this case, you set up a separate project for each applicable D365 FO module, for example, Sales and marketing, Procurement and sourcing, and Production control. Also, set up an 'umbrella' project and link the module-specific projects to it as subprojects. To run the data migration, you run the 'umbrella' project and all subprojects are automatically run as well. Procedure 1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design. 2. Click +Projects. 3. In the Project field, type a value. 4. In the User ID field, enter or select a value. 5. In the Note field, type a value. 6. In the Purpose field, select an option. 7. Sub-task: Define subprojects. 8. Expand the Run subproject section. 9. Click New. 10. In the Subproject field, enter or select a value. Note: The sequence in which the subprojects are run can be important. Use the Move up and Move down buttons to change the subproject sequence. 11. In the Action field, select an option. Are the applications  to be used in the project  already set up? Are the applications  to be used in the project  already set up? Set up applications Set up applications Define the applications that are involved in integration or data migration projects. You can link an application to several projects. Examples of applications are: 'D365 FO' to indicate your D365 FO application. 'Staging' to indicate that a staging journal is involved in the integration. 'Windows folder' or 'Files' to indicate that the integration is file-based. 'ERP' to indicate the integration is with another ERP application. You can use the external ERP application name as application name. For each connector and document, you must define the applicable application. You can also define an application for a type conversion. External ID and revision number Applications are also used to store the external IDs and external revision numbers that are used in the external application. You can link an external ID to a record ID in D365 FO. Together with the external ID, you can also link an external revision number to a record ID. The application, as defined for the applicable connector, is used to store the link between the reference table and record ID in D365 FO and the external ID and revision number. If you: Export data, the applicable external ID or revision is searched for in the target connector application. If a record exists for the reference table and the source field (RecId) combination, the external ID or revision of this record is the output value of this option. Import data, the applicable target record ID is searched for in the source connector application. If a record exists for the combination of reference table and external ID and revision, the reference record ID of this record is the output value of this option. If no record exists for the combination, a record is created. The reference record ID of this record is the output value of this option. Procedure 1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design. 2. Click Applications. 3. Click New. 4. In the Application field, type a value. 5. The External references table is not a shared table. By default, external references are stored in the company in which these are created. So, the external references are only available and applied if a message is run in that company. If an external reference is related to a shared table, you can choose to store these in the shared company 'DAT'. So, the external references become available for all companies in your D365 FO environment. Select Yes in the Store shared external field. Note: You can indicate to store external references of shared tables in the 'DAT' company per application. If you want to apply shared external references in message mapping, make sure the applicable application is used in the connector setup. 6. Close the page. Define project applications Define project applications On the project, define the applications that are involved in the project.If you define an application for a connector, document, or type conversion, only the applications of the applicable project are available.The project applications are also used during export and import of the project. During project:Export, the project applications are exported as well.Import, the applicable applications are imported before the connectors, documents, and type conversions are imported. Procedure 1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design. 2. Click Projects. Note: Your currently active project is opened. This is the project as shown in the Project field on the Integration design workspace. 3. Click Edit. 4. Expand the Application section. 5. Click New. 6. In the Application field, enter or select a value. 7. Close the page. Use default connector? Use default connector? Set up default connector for project Set up default connector for project You can define the default connectors for the project. You can define only one default connector for each connector type. A default connector is applied in these cases: If you create a message with the current project, the first entered default connector to be initialized as: Source is used as source connector. Target is used as target connector. If you test a document. In this case, the applicable default connector depends on the document type. If the document is an: External file-based document, the default Azure file storage connector is applied. External ODBC document, the default Database connector is applied. Internal document, the default D365 FO connector is applied. If you add records to an ODBC document, the default Database connector is applied. If the Database connection is active, you can select a table from the external database. If you initialize record fields for an ODBC document, the default Database connector is applied. If the Database connection is active, the record fields are initialized based on the record table. If you add record fields to an ODBC document, the default Database connector is applied. If the Database connection is active, you can select a field from the external database. Procedure 1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design. 2. Click Projects. Note: Your currently active project is opened. This is the project as shown in the Project field on the Integration design workspace. 3. Click Edit. 4. Expand the Default connector section. 5. Click New. 6. In the Connector field, enter or select a value. 7. You can apply a default connector when you create a message. Choose: - Source to use the connector as the default source connector. - Target to use the connector as the default target connector. - No if the connector is not used as the default connector on message creation. In the Initialize field, select an option. Note: Usually, for a project, you define only one default source connector and one default target connector. These connectors are applied when you create a message. 8. Close the page. Use project for outbound  web services? Use project for outbound  web services? Set up web service application for project Set up web service application for project For an outbound web service, a connection must be established with an external web service.To connect to the external web service, for the applicable project, set up the web service application.The web service application defines the base URL for the related web service actions.If required, you can also set up the user authentication to get access to the external web service. Procedure 1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design. 2. Click Projects. 3. Click Edit. 4. Expand the Web service application section. 5. Click New. 6. In the Environment types field, select an option. 7. In the Base URL field, type a value. 8. In the Authentication field, select 'None'. 9. Sub-task: Use Windows authentication. 10. In the Authentication field, select 'Windows'. 11. In the Domain name field, type a value. 12. In the Password field, or in the Password reference field, type a value. 13. In the User name field, type a value. 14. Sub-task: Use Basic authentication. 15. In the Authentication field, select 'Basic'. 16. In the Password field, or in the Password reference field, type a value. 17. In the User name field, type a value. 18. Sub-task: Use OAuth2 authentication. 19. In the Authentication field, select 'OAuth2'. 20. In the Grant type field, select an option. 21. Fill in the user ID to be used for web service authentication. In the User name field, type a value. Note: Only fill in the user name if the grant type is 'Password'. 22. If the grant type is 'Password', enter the password or password reference for the OAuth2 authentication (Resource owner grant flow). Whether the password or password reference applies is defined by the Display secret field in the Connectivity studio parameters. If the Display secret parameter is set to: - Secret, fill in the Password field with the desired password. The password is specific for the current connector. - Secret reference, fill in the Password reference field with the desired secret reference. The password reference refers to a centrally stored password which makes updating secrets easier. - Both, fill in either the Password field or the Password reference field. In the Password field, or in the Password reference field, type a value. Note: Only fill in the password if the grant type is 'Password'. 23. For both grant types, fill in the client ID. The provider of the web service that is secured with OAuth2, can provide you with the required client ID. If you use a registered application in Microsoft Entra ID, use the client ID of this application. In the Client ID field, type a value. Note: If the external web service is a cloud service of Microsoft, Microsoft Entra ID is the identity provider. Therefore, register an Microsoft Entra ID application. For the registered application, grant permissions to the external web service. 24. If the grant type is 'Client credentials', enter the client secret or client secret reference for the OAuth2 authentication (Client credentials flow). Whether the client secret or client secret reference applies is defined by the Display secret field in the Connectivity studio parameters. If the Display secret parameter is set to: - Secret, fill in the Client secret field with the desired client secret. The client secret is specific for the current connector. - Secret reference, fill in the Client secret reference field with the desired secret reference. The client secret reference refers to a centrally stored client secret which makes updating secrets easier. - Both, fill in either the Client secret field or the Client secret reference field. In the Client secret field or in the Client secret reference field, type a value Note: Use the client secret that belongs to the used client ID. The provider of the web service, that is secured with OAuth2, can provide you with the required client secret. If you use a registered application in Microsoft Entra ID, use the client secret of this application. 25. In the Resource field, type a value. 26. In the Scope field, type a value. 27. In the Token authorization endpoint field, type a value. 28. In the Redirect URI field, type a value. 29. Sub-task: Use basic authentication with any authentication server. 30. In the Authentication field, select 'Basic authentication JWT'. 31. Click Save. 32. In the User name field, type a value. 33. In the Password field, or in the Password reference field, type a value. 34. In the Token authorization endpoint field, type a value. 35. In the Expires within field, enter the number of hours after which the bearer token expires. 36. Close the page. Validate connectivity setup

Validate connectivity setup

If you open a form or save (changes to) the setup of a key element in Connectivity studio, the setup is validated automatically. If errors are found in the setup, an error icon   is shown. You can click the icon to show the related error messages.

You can also manually start an automated test to check for errors in the setup. As a result, the found errors are shown. Also, the error icons are shown where applicable.
When errors are found, you can try to fix these errors automatically.
You can check and auto-fix errors for these key elements in Connectivity studio:
Key element Check
Projects When automatically checked, only the project setup is checked, and not the related setup like messages and connectors. When started manually, the full project setup is checked.
Documents The document setup is checked, including the document records setup.
Document records Only the document records setup is checked.
Messages The message setup is checked, including the data synchronization setup and message mapping.
Message - Data synchronization setup Only the data synchronization setup is checked.
Message mapping Only the message mapping is checked.
Message business events A check is done if a business event is created for the message business event. Also, a check is done if the target fields and source fields match with the related document setup.
Connectors Only the connector setup is checked.
Web services The web service setup is checked, including the data synchronization setup.
Web service - Data synchronization setup Only the data synchronization setup is checked.

In this flow, in the activity steps, as an example, the validation is done for documents.

End End No Yes Yes No Yes No


Name Responsible Description

Create project

Application Consultant

Use a project as the basis for each integration.
For each project, you can also define the subprojects. You can use the subproject functionality to run multiple projects at once. The subprojects are run after you run the project. You can, for example, use subprojects for data migration. In this case, you set up a separate project for each applicable D365 FO module, for example, Sales and marketing, Procurement and sourcing, and Production control. Also, set up an 'umbrella' project and link the module-specific projects to it as subprojects. To run the data migration, you run the 'umbrella' project and all subprojects are automatically run as well.

Set up applications

Application Consultant

Define the applications that are involved in integration or data migration projects. You can link an application to several projects.

Examples of applications are:
  • 'D365 FO' to indicate your D365 FO application.
  • 'Staging' to indicate that a staging journal is involved in the integration.
  • 'Windows folder' or 'Files' to indicate that the integration is file-based.
  • 'ERP' to indicate the integration is with another ERP application. You can use the external ERP application name as application name.
For each connector and document, you must define the applicable application. You can also define an application for a type conversion.

External ID and revision number

Applications are also used to store the external IDs and external revision numbers that are used in the external application. You can link an external ID to a record ID in D365 FO. Together with the external ID, you can also link an external revision number to a record ID. The application, as defined for the applicable connector, is used to store the link between the reference table and record ID in D365 FO and the external ID and revision number.
If you:
  • Export data, the applicable external ID or revision is searched for in the target connector application. If a record exists for the reference table and the source field (RecId) combination, the external ID or revision of this record is the output value of this option.
  • Import data, the applicable target record ID is searched for in the source connector application. If a record exists for the combination of reference table and external ID and revision, the reference record ID of this record is the output value of this option. If no record exists for the combination, a record is created. The reference record ID of this record is the output value of this option.

Define project applications

Application Consultant

On the project, define the applications that are involved in the project.
If you define an application for a connector, document, or type conversion, only the applications of the applicable project are available.
The project applications are also used during export and import of the project. During project:
  • Export, the project applications are exported as well.
  • Import, the applicable applications are imported before the connectors, documents, and type conversions are imported.

Set up default connector for project

Application Consultant

You can define the default connectors for the project. You can define only one default connector for each connector type.
A default connector is applied in these cases:
  • If you create a message with the current project, the first entered default connector to be initialized as:
    • Source is used as source connector.
    • Target is used as target connector.
  • If you test a document. In this case, the applicable default connector depends on the document type. If the document is an:
    • External file-based document, the default Azure file storage connector is applied.
    • External ODBC document, the default Database connector is applied.
    • Internal document, the default D365 FO connector is applied.
  • If you add records to an ODBC document, the default Database connector is applied. If the Database connection is active, you can select a table from the external database.
  • If you initialize record fields for an ODBC document, the default Database connector is applied. If the Database connection is active, the record fields are initialized based on the record table.
  • If you add record fields to an ODBC document, the default Database connector is applied. If the Database connection is active, you can select a field from the external database.

Set up web service application for project

Application Consultant

For an outbound web service, a connection must be established with an external web service.
To connect to the external web service, for the applicable project, set up the web service application.
The web service application defines the base URL for the related web service actions.
If required, you can also set up the user authentication to get access to the external web service.

Validate connectivity setup

Application Consultant

If you open a form or save (changes to) the setup of a key element in Connectivity studio, the setup is validated automatically. If errors are found in the setup, an error icon   is shown. You can click the icon to show the related error messages.

You can also manually start an automated test to check for errors in the setup. As a result, the found errors are shown. Also, the error icons are shown where applicable.
When errors are found, you can try to fix these errors automatically.
You can check and auto-fix errors for these key elements in Connectivity studio:
Key element Check
Projects When automatically checked, only the project setup is checked, and not the related setup like messages and connectors. When started manually, the full project setup is checked.
Documents The document setup is checked, including the document records setup.
Document records Only the document records setup is checked.
Messages The message setup is checked, including the data synchronization setup and message mapping.
Message - Data synchronization setup Only the data synchronization setup is checked.
Message mapping Only the message mapping is checked.
Message business events A check is done if a business event is created for the message business event. Also, a check is done if the target fields and source fields match with the related document setup.
Connectors Only the connector setup is checked.
Web services The web service setup is checked, including the data synchronization setup.
Web service - Data synchronization setup Only the data synchronization setup is checked.

In this flow, in the activity steps, as an example, the validation is done for documents.

Import configuration

Set up company groups

Validate connectivity setup

Provide feedback