When you have reviewed and completed the data migration setup records with related message and documents, you can generate tasks based on the records.

The tasks are created based on the areas and sublevels as assigned to the data migration setup records in this way:
  1. A root task is created for the record which area has the lowest level and which area sublevel is the lowest as well.
  2. A task is created beneath the root task for the record with the same area and the next area sublevel. If such a record does not exist, a task is created for the record which area is the next level and which area sublevel is the lowest for that area.
  3. A task is created beneath the previous task for the record with the same area and the next area sublevel. If such a record does not exist, a task is created for the record which area is the next level and which area sublevel is the lowest for that area.
  4. Step 3 is repeated till a task is created for each record.
To each created task, the message is added as defined for the related data migration setup record. Note: If records exist with the same area and area sublevel, only one task is created based on these records. And for all these records, the messages are added to this one task.
On task generation, when a message is added to a task, and the related data migration setup record is:
  • Active, the related message action is set to 'Run'. So, if the task is run, the message is run.
  • Not active, the related message action is set to 'Skip'. So, if the task is run, the message is not run.


For a data migration project, these data migration setup records are used:
Note the use of the status, areas, area sublevels, and record activation.
The generated task structure, as shown on the Project page, is:
The generated tasks with added messages, and the set message actions are:
Task Message Action
Area: 10, level: 10 CUSTGROUP Run
Area: 20, level: 10 INVENTTABLE Skip
Area: 30, level: 20 VENDTABLE Run
Area: 30, level: 30 PURCHTABLE Skip
Area: 40, level: 20 CUSTTABLE Run
Area: 40, level: 30 SALESTABLE Skip

Standard procedure

1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design.
2. Click Projects.

Note: Your currently active project is opened. This is the project as shown in the Project field on the Integration design workspace. Make sure your data migration project is selected.

3. On the Action Pane, click Design.
4. Click Migrate.
5. Click Create tasks.
6. If already tasks exist for the data migration project, these tasks are deleted and new tasks are generated based on the data migration setup.
  To answer the question, click OK.
7. Close the page.
8. Sub-task: Review the generated tasks.
  8.1 Refresh the Project page.
  8.2 In the Tasks section, the generated task structure is shown. You can expand and collapse the task structure as desired.
  Expand the Tasks section.
  8.3 You can also review the task details.
  On the Action Pane, click Design.
  8.4 In the Tasks group, click Tasks.
  8.5 Close the page.
9. Close the page.
Related to Notes

Design data migration


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