- Data Management
- Connectivity Studio
- Activities
The inbound web service application triggers the applicable inbound web service action.
Based on these parameters in the HTTP request, the inbound web service calls the executeWebserviceOperation method that determines which web service action is triggered:
- Project (ProjectId): Does a Connectivity studio project exist in D365 FO with this ID?
- Web service action (WebServiceId): Does an inbound web service action exist with this ID?
- HTTP action (HttpMethod): What is the goal of the HTTP request? Does this goal match with the HTTP action as defined for the web service action?
- User name (UserName): Is this user set up as web service user? And is this user allowed to run the web service action?
- URL (Url): If REST, does the URL contain arguments? And what are the values of these arguments?
- Content (content):
- For both the web service types (Basic or REST), if HTTP action is Post, Put, Delete, Patch, or Post or Put, the content contains the values to be processed.
- If the web service type is SOAP and the HTTP action is Get, the content contains the arguments of type parameter. What are the values of these arguments?
- Company ID (companyId): Is the web service action and web service user combination valid for this company?